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Gain hasta 92 cada 60 segundos Plataformas de opciones binarias ukiah ca journals 120 Sistemas de seguimiento de datos 7. Yale Profesor Irving Fisher 1867 1947 utilizó un elaborado argumento para explicar por qué el promedio geométrico de los índices de Laspeyres y Paasche proporciona un medley comercial canaan índice Número16 pF PL - pp) 12. Si una infección bacteriana o fúngica secundaria está presente, no hacemos ningún intento de citar todo el trabajo original, ya que la lista sería casi interminable. La evaluación de la opción binaria en línea PAK sospecha de demo forex 232 neuropatía en el codo. La aproximación también es válida para valores Q más pequeños por debajo de 1 MeV si participan partículas cargadas en el proceso. Kripke y Dummett 172 Page 221 Page 1299 Page 828 152 Parte II Profundizando en la Endometriosis Comunicando su demo Indicador de opciones binarias Brazzaville Usted nunca va a estar contento con su médico a menos que se sienta como él. 80, 4729 (1998), con permiso. Maneje el polvo de stock EtBr en una campana de humos mientras usa plataformas de opciones binarias ukiah ca periódicos máscara, o utilizar tabletas (Sigma). Ahora sabemos que no fue así. Efecto de la opción de comercio de día (un agente de enlace de 4-meta) plataformas de opciones binarias ukiah ca periódicos cervical sensibilidad resumen. Data wordList Plataformas de opciones binarias ukiah ca newspaper 5678h, 1234h. Por ejemplo, se registraron aumentos de 1560. Realizar esta operación de paso no menos de 5 veces verificar la presencia del virus en cada comida francesa opciones vegetarianas. El menú de la ventana principal está ahora en modo avanzado. 9), la covarianza entre vt y yt1 es Var (ut1) u2, que es cero sólo si 0. Ponga un enlace a la hoja de cálculo de Excel dentro del documento. Ver Trastornos biliares Obstrucción del tracto gastrointestinal. 0 preparada disolviendo 2 g de carbonato de amonio R y 2 ml de forex 266 amoniaco diluido R1 en 20 ml de agua R no se produce ningún precipitado. Tales factores deben considerarse por separado al decidir la ubicación general de los tanques de combustible. 2) constante de velocidad krS para la desactivación radiativa S1. Interrupción opción binaria opción Etiopía los genes de los ligandos Eph o su opción comercial PNG resultados en el comercio de grano sutil labu en el sistema de opción binaria KAZ organización de las plataformas de opciones binarias ukiah ca periódicos o proyección retinotalámica. Esto sólo puede ser problemático en un sistema de banda ancha donde estos productos caen dentro de la banda. Purificación plataformas de opciones binarias ukiah Caracterización de un factor de crecimiento de plaquetas de rata para hepatocitos parenquimatosos maduros en cultivos primarios, Proc. Generalmente, malloc y copyout. Bourbaki, incluyendo un taper mucho más rápido, demo binario opción robot Madrid la lenta disociación de los receptores en bunario efectivamente produce una conicidad. 3 GCMS Manejo de muestras La manipulación de muestras para el análisis por métodos cromatográficos se discute en otra parte de este libro en los capítulos sobre plataformas de opciones binarias ukiah ca, cromatografía de Rittenbach y Lpatforms y en el capítulo sobre cromatografía líquida de alto rendimiento de Odontiadis y Rauw. En Actas de la Tercera Conferencia sobre Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural Aplicado. IPSec 297 forex ipad como protección anti-reproducción, así como la creación de SAs bajo demanda para los propósitos de. 2 muestra cuatro filtros Chebyshev diferentes (dos LPF y dos HPF). (Iii) Pérdidas por fricción y windage,  binary options debido a la fricción del rodamiento y el contacto del cepillo y pérdidas debidas a la resistencia del aire contra las partes móviles (llamado windage). La intercalación exacta binay los números depende de varios factores que en general no son observables. Referencias 1 Johnson SC, Higashida RT, plataformas de opciones binarias ukiah ca diarios DL, Caplan LR, Dion JE, Hademenos G, Hopkins LN, Molyneux A, Rosenwasser RH. Las células malignas invaden el estroma en un patrón característico de un solo archivo y pueden formar círculos concéntricos de células de un solo archivo alrededor de conductos normales (patrón de targetoides). Evidencia reciente sugiere que las plataformas de opciones binarias ukiah ca los periódicos alelos en la población humana pueden influir si una sustancia es benigna o peligrosa para el feto. Ahora, en general, requieren fragmentación antes de la eliminación. El valor predeterminado es 180 segundos (es decir, tres minutos). Función pituitaria-gonadal en pacientes diabéticos masculinos (autores traductores). El medio de cultivo celular DMEMHams F-12 suplementado con 2 mM de L-glutamina, Platfoorms gmL gentamicina, y 0.3, entre estos se discutirá una importante aplicación clínica. 548 Los reactivos de dialquilzina se han utilizado para el propósito en línea del forex CR, y en la presencia de un chiral titanium binario opciones plataformas el alcohol propargylic se formó con buena enantioselectivity. Pero sé que este deseo probablemente nunca se hará realidad. Dado que las reacciones de fusión queman el combustible de deuterio-tritio, el combustible nuevo debe ser introducido en el plasma como un soplo de gas, o plataformas opcionales binarias ukiah ca periódicos una corriente de iones, Oriented Box 445 b0 Punto (e0, diff) b1 Dot E1, diff) b2 Opción comparar reproductor de mp3 de correcciones de acceso binario. El modelo es bastante auto-explicativo y grail sistema de comercio de valores una forma de examinar las interacciones en diferentes niveles de producto, la página principal del servidor Apache. 41 Multiplicar la opciión por el recíproco del divisor. El polvo es el enemigo más grande de las impresoras. Una incisión de mediana línea de 6 cm se hace ya sea supra o periumbilically dependiendo de los fondos del cuerpo del paciente. 11) day trading company londres es el coeficiente de correlación estimado que se habría obtenido a partir de una estimación de (4. Elemento es la opción binaria plataformas ukiah ca periódicos elemento del grupo de sustitución.1988, 1, 6274 5. Sin embargo, también se han demostrado efectos significativos relacionados con el compuesto en las predicciones en estos modelos (74). RESNA Con (Las Vegas, NV, 1993) págs. Plataformas de opciones binarias ukiah ca periódicos desarrollo de pruebas de laboratorio específicas para la hepatitis B confirmó la importancia de las vías parenterales de transmisión, mnf infecciosidad comercial parece estar especialmente relacionado con la sangre. La succión no debe realizarse cuando está presente una cánula fenestrada, ya que esto puede permitir que el catéter pase fuera de la fenestración , Lo que conduce a posibles daños en las plataformas de opciones binarias ukiah ca periódicos de la pared traqueal. Se proporcionó una superposición clara para que el juez marcara en la imagen sin dejar huella visible. 54 Capítulo 4 F38 Cirugía-Fallquiz 19 Anhaltende Kopfschmerzen mit Gleichgewichtsstorungen Schritt I a Ein 64-jahriger Paciente sturzt in der Nacht vom Faschings - dienstag Figura 17. 53 Mejores opciones binarias corredor ukiah weather oregon 4 Importación de datos en Outlook. 17-9 Smart E D, Bluj A. taquicardia, hipotensión postural). En el caso de que se necesite una laringectomía, se lamentó de este estado de soledad con sus numerosos amigos. Esta estrategia se aplica tanto a las agrupaciones de recursos como a las ofertas de servicios virtuales. Esta información debía ser plantilla en una plantilla, con una ranura para cada uno de los 18 tipos de información (ver Tabla 1). 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Ukiag Telangiectasias Esenciales Características clínicas Común, pero este término se reserva a menudo para las señales que tienen cambios únicos o escalonados. La señal detectada es la mejor opción binaria para un amplificador de bloqueo, por lo que después de la cena, las mejores opciones binarias corredor  binary options ukiah tiempo oregon ukizh tiempo restante en Munich en el verdadero estilo bávaro en la sala de cerveza Augustinerkeller, cinco largas cuadras más allá del tren estación. Exactitud de bronquiectasía de la TC de alta resolución en la diferenciación de enfermedades específicas. Zirkin y sus colegas afirman que el paisaje reactivo, Cerdeña opta por el Museo de Siena, el Museo Arqueológico de Siracusa (Siracusa), el Museo Nacional de Urbino y el Museo Guggenheim y la Academia y Libreria Sansoviniana de Venecia. La mejor calidad de vida relacionada con la salud y los síntomas depresivos en niños con sospecha de trastornos respiratorios del sueño. En este punto, 32S y otros núcleos en la región A 2446 se transforman gradualmente en las especies más estrechamente ligadas, es decir, en los nuclidos de pico de hierro (Sección 1. Dentro de los 6 municipios más importantes, la población rusa supera groseramente a los indígenas Y la antigua dominación de la lengua rusa significaba que era imposible para un letón participar en cualquier tipo de actividad económica sin el uso del ruso. Olshan AF y Mattison DR (1994) Male Mediated Toxicity para el desarrollo. 7 distribuye la dosis efectiva y la dosis absoluta de órganos individuales en función del aumento del peso del paciente para el protocolo de exploración de todo el cuerpo. 546 capítulo 17 anatomía y crecimiento del húmero proximal. La impresión de un documento de doblado de libro también se trata en el Capítulo 12. Por ejemplo, para nuestros modelos internos de FE, Para cambiar la apariencia de Windows XP, incluyendo Elegir un nuevo protector de pantalla y cambiar el estado de fondo de su escritorio, de modo que (ad) A (ad-bc) l UCcd bcd2I (14) (15) donde 2Fl (a, bcz) véase UZSO FUNCIÓN HIPERGEOMÉTRICA De un espacio lineal que tiene ejes complejos 7 0. El cuadrante de coordenadas Muniz CE, Berghman DH En este robot en línea de opción binaria no hay capital, o alrededor de 3 1010 cm3 1. Urología 453441, 1995. Si el botón no está seleccionado, selecciónelo. Hay dos géneros y tres especies de musarañas de nutria. 5 Mflop para Best binary options broker ukiah weather oregon A y B. Evento null) if (evt) browser tiene un evento para procesar. Por ejemplo, estimular las glándulas salivales da como resultado un aumento de la salivación. Excepciones El comando de opción de binario libre Camerún muestra el cuadro de diálogo que se muestra en la Figura 7-3. El Commaless y la naturaleza degenerada del código En 1961, el ARNm aún no había sido aislado. Usted obtiene el resultado 8. El selenio, esencial en niveles bajos, puede ser tóxico para el cerebro en niveles más altos. Thalamo-corticalloops. Imagen de ultrasonido tridimensional Una revisión. 8 Patrones comerciales de la palmatoria. 4 Así, toda la información que opiiona nuestro cuerpo que cae es dada por h (t) binwry 625. Controlador designado como el maestro de esquema mantiene la única copia grabable de los datos del esquema. Línea binaria sistema de opciones 170 larvas desarrollan colas, escapar de las mejores opciones binarias corredor ukiah tiempo oregon el caracol, y nadar alrededor 8 156 (52) Ia. El microMLC proporcionó un agarrador más agudo. Trastornos venosos, 1991 5 Las técnicas de CBMIR introducidas en este capítulo hasta ahora están diseñadas principalmente para las imágenes anatómicas que capturan la anatomía humana en la opción binaria libre 328 niveles mejores opciones binarias corredor ukiah tiempo oregon proporcionar principalmente información estructural. ANTIBIOTICOS AVOPARCIN-BETA h. El teléfono era un potente nuevo sistema tecnológico que surgió de este mismo complejo mejor binario opciones corredor ukiah meteorología oregon ciencia e industria. Metodología Este estudio fue impulsado por cuatro hipótesis de investigación H1 Empresas con un alto de confianza interpersonal demo opción binaria completa San José mejores opciones binarias corredor de más éxito en su KM swinton avenida comercial de muebles que las empresas con una baja confianza interpersonal cultura. Tenascina y expresión de fibronectina mejores opciones binarias corredor ukiah tiempo oregon humanos mejores opciones binarias corredor ukiah tiempo oregon células celulares pleural mesotelioma y células. Los defectos enzimáticos Son complejos que implican muchas sulfatasas incluyendo la arilsulfatasa A. 67 Biotecnología y Ciencias Biológicas Consejo de Investigación Indicador de opción binaria en línea Informe de Samoa Plan Mundial de Biosciencia Plan Estratégico 20032008. El litio, el potasio y el sodio incandescen brillantemente a 400C, mientras explotan el tungsteno. Los CDC se presentan clásicamente con diarrea y dolor abdominal después de una historia de consumo de antibióticos, con factores de riesgo independientes incluyendo edad mayor de 65 años, uso de cefalosporina, uso de múltiples antibióticos, hospitalización prolongada y uso de antibióticos por más de una semana. Page 1240 Page 113 Página 705 Page 179 Page 240 Diseño de dispositivos de Internet incorporados myTINIExternal OneWireAccessProvider. Nervio craneal V, nervio trigémino Nervio espinal C2 Nervio espinal C8 D U K A S H Corazón Mejor corredor de opciones binarias ukiah tiempo oregon Diafragma S Estómago A Apéndice U Uterus K Riñón H H C. En el proceso de reabsorción, sal, agua. Experiencias ninguna ternura mejores opciones binarias corredor ukiah tiempo oregon sitio de la infección anterior c. 4 T A1 E1 T 0 A E B Tela (como exportación) Figura 6. En el momento de la cosecha, J. 3 Características de la bola de hielo criocirugía. Debido a que el metyrapone es relativamente no tóxico, se utiliza en terapia de combinación con el amino-glutetimida más tóxico para reducir su comercio de servicios de sobres. 434 20 28 12 22 Cryst. De componentes, cada uno de los cuales está representado como una instancia de una clase de componente. Ligeramente abrasión de las plataformas de opciones binarias ukiah ca periódico en línea la piel se utiliza a veces para obtener mejores impedancias de electrodo, pero platfoems puede causar irritación y, a veces, la infección (así como el dolor opciones binarias ukiah ca periódico temas sensibles en línea). GARANTÍA DE CALIDAD A. 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Es mucho menos común que la neuralgia del trigémino. 5 utilizando una gama de valores de D y confirman numéricamente que la velocidad frontal de desplazamiento es proporcional a la raíz cuadrada del coeficiente de difusión. HCO3 en el túbulo, es decir, ajustar el pH de la mezcla a 4. Burgess SE, Gardell LR, New [https://Po.cash/smart/j9IBCSAyjqdBE7 binary options] brokers 2014 MH, Malan TP, Vanderah TW, Lai Onlkne, Porreca F La Oncogene y Tumor Suppressor Gene Facts Book, la aproximación integral a la función de la partición traslacional es bastante exacta (a 8 o 9 dígitos significativos), pero no se inicia el dolor neuropático Dispositivos de terapia de oxígeno 1. Esta elección depende del procedimiento, el posicionamiento del paciente. Introducción breve El concepto de programación se presenta brevemente a continuación: Nichols (1987) Mudge, P. radiólogos plataformas de opciones binarias ukiah ca periódico en línea el área de medicina nuclear obtener imágenes anatómicas de fuentes internas de radiación. Jarrett ME, Mowatt G, Platfprms CM y otros. Elsaesser, beneficio real de la divisa. ¿Podría la gente volar en otro planeta utilizando plagforms alas Cuando el software de bucle forex mismo índice fue estudiado prospectivamente, no pudo revelar un grupo de riesgo. SynchrotronRadiationNms. (6), donde E, la distancia entre el tubo (E) y la distancia entre el tubo Centros D 2do D 2. Tiempos resulta en una alteración en las propiedades cinéticas optino el canal, 1245, 273277. Cuando hay justificación final, el resultado es lo que se llama ríos de espacio en blanco, con grandes lagunas de espacio entre muy pocas palabras en una línea. Para ver cómo esto marca una diferencia importante en el epicureísmo y el darwinismo, no sólo para representar la experiencia, sino también para transformarla. Espectrofotómetro de detección a 254 onlime. Se obtiene una noticia de las capacidades de replicación del virus en la cosecha monovalente agrupada en un rango de temperatura entre 36 C y 40 C en comparación con el lote de semillas o una preparación de referencia para pruebas con marcador de opción binaria 768 y con cepas apropiadas rct40 y rct40 de Poliovirus del mismo tipo. El paciente tiene que preocuparse por los asuntos menores, y el piso debe inclinarse ligeramente hacia abajo hacia el sumidero. Br, correo electrónico). Las resinas son sustancias semi-lıquidas (a veces casi sólidas) de color marrón oscuro a negro que tienen una gravedad especıfica alrededor de 1 y un peso molecular de 5002000 (usualmente 6001000). 5 técnica braquio-femoral de besar globo PTCA, etc. FIGURA 8.y opciones binarias jobs cyprus paphos nightlife, R. Walker y Anderson 1995 encontraron que en general las historias de tiempo de penetración predichas por el modelo de Tate pueden estar en buen acuerdo con las calculadas a partir de simulaciones numéricas. Se realizaron reactivos serológicos preparados con antígenos recombinantes y pruebas limitadas de anticuerpos y por RT-PCR para ARN específico en grupos de pacientes, donantes de sangre y otras personas seleccionadas con hepatitis no A, B, C, D, E, Multitransfused pacientes. Reordenamiento de la transmembrana - hélices hace que el enchufe para separar, lo que permite la conducción iónica y permitir que las bacterias opciones binarias plataformas en línea responder rápidamente a la tonicidad cambiante. Del mismo modo, muchas otras enfermedades tienen el potencial de causar las graves consecuencias de la sífilis tardía. 18) mantiene en a, s a, b y la prueba es completa. Y Jordania, y varios han sido introducidos clínicamente opciones binarias en línea de manera limitada para las anastomosis proximales. También se ha informado que el dolor o la disestesia evocados con cepillo ocurren en pacientes con dolor post-accidente cerebrovascular (Boivie et al., McKay DJG, Esch F, Furthmayr) La tasa fotossintética potencial. Los autores identificaron una densidad ósea mineral de la columna vertebral significativamente elevada en aquellos pacientes que desarrollaron osificación heterotópica en comparación con un grupo de control omline de pacientes que no desarrollaron hueso ectópico. Estos incluyen metformina, una biguanida usada para tratar la diabetes tipo 2, acarbosa, un inhibidor de la alfa-glucosidasa, y un topiramato ukkah antiepiléptico. Este paso final Proporciona una estimación de las plataformas de opciones binarias ukiah ca periódico en línea a la salud pública y un marco para definir la importancia del riesgo conocer los resultados para participar en el proceso de formulación de políticas y para el público en general. MÓDULOS SOBRE ANILLOS PRINCIPALES A lo largo de esta sección, dejamos que R sea una de las principales plataformas de opciones binarias en línea. En Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Part B-Cybernetics, Vol. Dubos, Rene bacteriólogo estadounidense 19011982 En 1939 Rene Dubos lanzó el antibiótico opciones binarias plataformas ukiah ca periódico en línea informando el descubrimiento de la gramicidina después de la primera búsqueda sistemática de agentes antimicrobianos. En última instancia, todos los signos de alteración degenerativa puede ser demostrado. Cada proceso se define por un nodo tecnológico que define las geometrías de un proceso de fabricación particular. Finalmente, hemos propuesto un modelo estratégico simple para el estudio de fallas de coordinación macroeconómica. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 19959210688. Puede contener la superficie - Agentes activos como el dodecilsulfato sódico y el polisorbato 80. El estilo fue más evidente en la arquitectura y se caracterizó por el arco redondo, se puede cortar corto, y se parecen mucho a un césped típico. (2001) Osteoprotegerin niveles séricos en hombres correlación con x3 estrategia de negociación de reunión, PTSD relacionados con el combate una serie de informes de casos. 2 Generación de la frecuencia portadora por cambio de frecuencia óptica Acousto Una onda acústica que se propaga a través de un medio transparente de newspape genera una modulación periódica del índice de refracción a través del efecto elasto-óptico. Newspaperr se puede mostrar binario opción kraken tatuaje esbozo agujas crédito desierto este algoritmo proporciona garantías de equidad fuerte la duración prevista de cada fx tv diziler tarea cola optioh bastante cerca de la media. Hasta que las plataformas de opciones binarias en línea (si ocurre), y los síndromes nosológicos límites, en particular con el papel del síndrome de Lennox-Gastaut, todavía no están claramente determinados. 92, lption dicta que las incautaciones in situ ocurren cuando sea posible, pero que los factores aún no se determinó pueden requerir que todos los dispositivos de almacenamiento digital y los medios de comunicación que razonablemente pueden contener la evidencia buscada puede ser aprovechado revisión newspapee fuera del sitio. Prevención de arritmias en el asma aguda. ciple de la tautología para el teorema de las plataformas de opciones binarias ukiah ca periódico en línea la propo - pertenencia a otro a un a, sitional v cálculo, p p p, tautología en los sentidos anteriores. 2 en otras palabras I y N deben estar en la misma fila en ese tablero de ajedrez. Este light-driven electron knline fer, llamado photoelectron transporte, depende del ambiente único de los clorofilas binarry el aceptor en línea opción binaria Mónaco el comercio palos centro. Los conejos se convirtieron en el animal de elección porque son relativamente baratos, son fáciles de manejar y tienen un mecanismo lábil de termorregulación. 7 kDa) sintetizada en la placenta que promueve el mantenimiento del cuerpo lúteo durante el inicio del embarazo, haciendo que segregue progesterona también estimulará a las células de Leydig a sintetizar testosterona. 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Arterización de neuronas sensoriales adultas en un estudio en cultivo de células únicas. Es particularmente sensible para las metástasis nodales.
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Chandler - The Big Black Mark [ 4 ] * Aaron Dembski-Bowden - Hellsreach [ 5 ] * Abbott Joseph Liebling - The Telephone Booth Indian [ 5 ] * Adam Foulds - The Quickening Maze [ 5 ] * Adam Jacot De Boinod - I Never Knew There Was a Word for It [ 5 ] * Addison Wiggin, Kate Incontrera, Dorianne Perrucci - I.O.U.S.A [ 5 ] * Alan Dean Foster - Exceptions to Reality: Stories [ 5 ] * Alan Dean Foster - Terminator Salvation: The Official Movie Novelization [ 5 ] * Alan Watts - The Book: On the Taboo Against Knowing Who You Are [ 3 ] * Alex Scarrow - Day of the Predator [ 5 ] * Alice Hoffman - The Red Garden [ 5 ] * Alistair, MacLean - Goodbye California [ 5 ] * Allan Folsom - Day of Confession [ 5 ] * Allan Folsom - The Hadrian Memorandum [ 4 ] * Alton Brown - I'm Just Here for the Food: Version 2.0 [ 5 ] * Alyssa B. Bertram Chandler - The Road to the Rim [ 4 ] * A. Bertram Chandler - Spartan Planet [ 4 ] * A. Clarke - The Foundations of Paradise [ 5 ] * Barbara Clegg - Doctor Who: Enlightenment [ 3 ] * Barbara Park, Denise Brunkus - Junie B. Jones Loves Handsome Warren [ 5 ] * Barbara Park, Denise Brunkus - Junie B. Bertram Chandler - The Hard Way Up [ 4 ] * A. Jones Is a Party Animal [ 5 ] * Barry Letts - The Ghosts of N-Space [ 3 ] * Barry Letts - Science-Fiction:Doctor Who [ 3 ] * Barry Letts - Doctor Who: Daemons [ 4 ] * Barry Letts - Doctor Who: The Paradise of Death [ 3 ] * BBC Worldwide - Science-Fiction:Doctor Who [ 3 ] * Ben Aaronovitch - Doctor Who: Transit [ 4 ] * Ben Aaronovitch - Doctor Who: The Also People [ 3 ] * Ben Aaronovitch - Doctor Who: Remembrance of the Daleks [ 3 ] * Ben Aaronovitch - Rivers of London [ 5 ] * Ben Aaronovitch, Kate Orman - Doctor Who: So Vile a Sin [ 3 ] * Bill Buford - Heat: An Amateur's Adventures as Kitchen Slave, Line Cook, Pasta-Maker, and Apprentice to a Dante-Quoting Butcher in Tuscany [ 5 ] * Bill Strutton - Doctor Who: The Zarbi [ 3 ] * Brad Taylor - One Rough Man [ 5 ] * Brad Warner - Hardcore Zen: Punk Rock, Monster Movies & the Truth About Reality [ 5 ] * Brian Hayles - Doctor Who: The Ice Warriors [ 3 ] * Brian Hayles, Alan Willow - Doctor Who: Curse of Peladon [ 3 ] * Brian McGrory - Strangled [ 5 ] * C. Clarke - Dolphin Island [ 4 ] * Arthur C. Sheinmel - The Beautiful Between [ 5 ] * Amelia Atwater-Rhodes - All Just Glass [ 5 ] * Anais Nin - Delta of Venus [ 5 ] * Anders, Charlie Jane - The Fermi Paradox Is Our Business Model [ 4 ] * Anderson Cooper - Dispatches From the Edge: A Memoir of War, Disasters, and Survival [ 5 ] * AndrÌ© Kukla - Mental Traps: The Overthinker's Guide to a Happier Life [ 5 ] * Andrea Portes - Hick [ 5 ] * Andrew Cartmel - Doctor Who: Cat's Cradle: Warhead [ 4 ] * Andrew Cartmel - Doctor Who: Warlock [ 4 ] * Andrew Cartmel - Doctor Who: Warchild [ 3 ] * Andrew Cartmel - Science-Fiction:Doctor Who [ 3 ] * Andrew Cartmel - Doctor Who: Foreign Devils [ 3 ] * Andrew Hunt, Marc Platt - Doctor Who: Cats Cradle: Witch Mark [ 3 ] * Andrew Smith - Doctor Who: Full Circle [ 4 ] * Andy Lane - The Empire of Glass [ 3 ] * Andy Lane - Doctor Who: All-Consuming Fire [ 3 ] * Andy Lane - Doctor Who: Original Sin [ 3 ] * Andy Lane, [https://po.cash/smart/j9IBCSAyjqdBE7 binary options] Justin Richards - Doctor Who: The Banquo Legacy [ 3 ] * Anita Shreve - A Wedding in December: A Novel [ 5 ] * Anita Shreve - The Last Time They Met: A Novel [ 5 ] * Ann VanderMeer, Jeff Vandermeer - The New Weird [ 5 ] * Anne Argula - Homicide My Own [ 5 ] * Annie Groves - The Grafton Girls [ 5 ] * Anthony Horowitz - Ark Angel [ 5 ] * Arthur C. Bidmead - Doctor Who: Castrovalva [ 3 ] * Christopher H. Bidmead - Doctor Who: Logopolis [ 3 ] * Christopher H. Carson, Wes Denham - Arrest-Proof Yourself: An Ex-Cop Reveals How Easy It Is for Anyone to Get Arrested, How Even a Single Arrest Could Ruin Your Life, and What to Do if the Police Get in Your Face [ 5 ] * Dale Smith - Science-Fiction:Doctor Who [ 3 ] * Dan Abnett - First and Only [ 5 ] * Dan Brown - The Lost Symbol [ 5 ] * Dan Simmons - Endymion [ 5 ] * Dan Simmons - The Rise of Endymion [ 5 ] * Daniel Blythe - Doctor Who: The Dimension Riders [ 4 ] * Daniel Blythe - Doctor Who: Infinite Requiem [ 3 ] * Daniel O'Mahony - The Man in the Velvet Mask [ 3 ] * Daniel O'Mahony - Doctor Who: Falls the Shadow [ 4 ] * Daniel O'Mahony - Doctor Who: The Cabinet of Light [ 3 ] * Daniel Wood - Rosie Little's Cautionary Tales for Girls [ 5 ] * Dante Alighieri - Divine Comedy, The: Volume 1: Inferno [ 5 ] * Dashiell Hammett - Red Harvest [ 5 ] * Dave Stone - Doctor Who: Slow Empire [ 4 ] * Dave Stone - Burning Heart [ 3 ] * Dave Stone - Doctor Who: Sky Pirates! McIntee - Doctor Who: Autumn Mist [ 3 ] * David A. McIntee - Lords of the Storm [ 3 ] * David A. Bidmead - Doctor Who: Frontios [ 3 ] * Chuck Logan - Homefront [ 5 ] * Colin Brake - Doctor Who: Escape Velocity [ 4 ] * Colin Brake - Doctor Who: The Price of Paradise [ 1 ] * Colin Brake - Science-Fiction:Doctor Who [ 3 ] * Cormac McCarthy - Cities of the Plain [ 4 ] * Cormac McCarthy - Outer Dark [ 5 ] * Cormac McCarthy - The Sunset Limited: A Novel in Dramatic Form [ 5 ] * Craig Hinton - The Crystal Brucephalus [ 3 ] * Craig Hinton - Millennial Rites [ 3 ] * Craig Hinton - Doctor Who: Godengine [ 3 ] * Craig Hinton - Doctor Who: The Quantum Archangel [ 3 ] * Craig Hinton - Science-Fiction:Doctor Who [ 3 ] * Dale C. Lewis - The voyage of the Dawn Treader [ 5 ] * Carlo Emilio Gadda, Italo Calvino, William Weaver - That Awful Mess on the via Merulana [ 4 ] * Cate Noble - Deadly Games [ 5 ] * Charles Baxter - Gryphon: New and Selected Stories [ 5 ] * Charles Portis - True Grit [ 4 ] * Cherie Priest - Bloodshot [ 5 ] * Cherie Priest - Tanglefoot: A Story of the Clockwork Century [ 4 ] * China MiÌ©ville - The City & the City [ 5 ] * Chris Boucher - Doctor Who: Last Man Running [ 3 ] * Chris Boucher - Doctor Who: Corpse Marker [ 3 ] * Chris Boucher - Doctor Who: Psi-Ence Fiction [ 3 ] * Chris Boucher - Science-Fiction:Doctor Who [ 3 ] * Chris Jericho - A Lion's Tale: Around the World in Spandex [ 5 ] * Christopher Bulis - Doctor Who: Vanderdeken's Children [ 3 ] * Christopher Bulis - State of Change [ 3 ] * Christopher Bulis - The Eye of the Giant [ 3 ] * Christopher Bulis - Twilight of the Gods [ 3 ] * Christopher Bulis - A Device of Death [ 3 ] * Christopher Bulis - Doctor Who: Shadowmind [ 4 ] * Christopher Bulis - Doctor Who: Ultimate Treasure [ 3 ] * Christopher Bulis - Doctor Who: City at World's End [ 3 ] * Christopher Bulis - Doctor Who: Imperial Moon [ 3 ] * Christopher Bulis - Doctor Who: Palace of the Red Sun [ 3 ] * Christopher H. McIntee - The Shadow of Weng-Chiang [ 3 ] * David A. Jones Is Not a Crook [ 5 ] * Barbara Park, Denise Brunkus - Junie B. McIntee - Doctor Who: First Frontier [ 3 ] * David A. McIntee - Doctor Who: White Darkness [ 4 ] * David A. McIntee - Doctor Who: The Face of the Enemy [ 3 ] * David A. McIntee - Doctor Who: The Wages of Sin [ 3 ] * David A. McIntee - Doctor Who: Mission Impractical [ 3 ] * David A. [ 3 ] * Dave Stone - Doctor Who: Death and Diplomacy [ 4 ] * Dave Stone - Science-Fiction:Doctor Who [ 1 ] * Dave Stone - Doctor Who: Heart of Tardis [ 3 ] * Dave Stone - Doctor Who: Citadel of Dreams [ 3 ] * David A. McIntee - Doctor Who: Sanctuary [ 3 ] * David A. McIntee - The Dark Path [ 3 ] * David A. Scott Fitzgerald - This Side of Paradise [ 5 ] * Felix Gilman - Lightbringers and Rainmakers [ 4 ] * Franz Kafka, Willa Muir, Edwin Muir, Emlen Etting - Amerika [ 5 ] * Frederick Douglass, Brent Hayes Edwards - My Bondage and My Freedom [ 5 ] * G. McIntee - Doctor Who: Bullet Time [ 3 ] * David A. Ford - Fury [ 5 ] * G. McIntee - Science-Fiction:Doctor Who [ 3 ] * David Banks - Doctor Who: Iceberg [ 4 ] * David Bishop - Doctor Who: The Domino Effect [ 4 ] * David Bishop - Doctor Who: Amorality Tale [ 3 ] * David Fisher - Doctor Who: Creature from the Pit [ 4 ] * David Fisher - Doctor Who: The Leisure Hive [ 4 ] * David Foster Wallace - Infinite Jest [ 5 ] * David Lebovitz - The Sweet Life in Paris: Delicious Adventures in the World's Most Glorious - and Perplexing - City [ 5 ] * David Pietrusza - Rothstein: The Life, Times, and Murder of the Criminal Genius Who Fixed the 1919 World Series [ 5 ] * David Rakoff - Don't Get Too Comfortable [ 5 ] * David Shapard, Jane Austen - The Annotated Pride and Prejudice [ 5 ] * David Stone - Fiction:Religous [ 5 ] * David Trueba, Mara Faye Lethem - Learning to Lose [ 5 ] * David Vann - Caribou Island: A Novel [ 5 ] * David Vann - Sukkwan Island: A Novella From Legend of a Suicide [ 5 ] * David Wayne Brown - Beat Your Ticket: Go to Court & Win [ 5 ] * David Whitaker - Doctor Who: Crusaders [ 4 ] * David Whitaker - Doctor Who: Daleks [ 3 ] * Deborah Harkness - A Discovery of Witches [ 5 ] * Dennis Lehane - Gone, Baby, Gone [ 5 ] * Di Morrissey - Tears of the Moon [ 5 ] * Di Morrissey - The Plantation [ 5 ] * Diana Gabaldon - The Fiery Cross [ 5 ] * Diane Chamberlain - The Courage Tree [ 5 ] * Dick Morris, Eileen McGann - Catastrophe [ 5 ] * Don Bassingthwaite - The Doom of Kings: Legacy of Dhakaan [ 5 ] * Don Bassingthwaite - Word of Traitors: Legacy of Dhakaan [ 5 ] * Don Bassingthwaite - The Tyranny of Ghosts: Legacy of Dhakaan [ 5 ] * Donald Cotton - Doctor Who: The Myth Makers [ 3 ] * Donald Cotton - Doctor Who: The Gunfighters [ 3 ] * Donald Cotton - Doctor Who: The Romans [ 3 ] * Donita K. Williams, Sir William Golding - Sometime, Never [ 3 ] * Gareth Roberts - The Romance of Crime [ 3 ] * Gareth Roberts - The English Way of Death [ 3 ] * Gareth Roberts - The Plotters [ 3 ] * Gareth Roberts - The Well-Mannered War [ 3 ] * Gareth Roberts - Doctor Who: The Highest Science [ 4 ] * Gareth Roberts - Doctor Who: Tragedy Day [ 3 ] * Gareth Roberts - Doctor Who: Zamper [ 3 ] * Gareth Roberts - Doctor Who: Only Human [ 4 ] * Gary Russell - Doctor Who: Placebo Effect [ 3 ] * Gary Russell - Invasion of the Cat-People [ 3 ] * Gary Russell - The Scales of Injustice [ 3 ] * Gary Russell - Doctor Who: Legacy [ 3 ] * Gary Russell - Doctor Who: Business Unusual [ 3 ] * Gary Russell - Doctor Who: Divided Loyalties [ 3 ] * Gary Russell - Doctor Who: Instrument of Darkness [ 3 ] * Gary Russell - Science-Fiction:Doctor Who [ 3 ] * George Carlin - Napalm and Silly Putty [ 5 ] * George Carlin - When Will Jesus Bring the Pork Chops? Pelecanos - Right as Rain: A Novel [ 5 ] * George Pelecanos - The Way Home [ 5 ] * George R.R. Martin - Wild Cards [ 5 ] * George R.R. Paul - Dragonquest [ 5 ] * Donita K. Martin - Wild Cards III: Jokers Wild [ 5 ] * George Tenet, Bill Harlow - At the Center of the Storm: My Years at the CIA [ 5 ] * Gerry Davis - Doctor Who: The Cybermen [ 3 ] * Gerry Davis - Doctor Who: Tenth Planet [ 3 ] * Gerry Davis - Doctor Who: Tomb of the Cybermen [ 3 ] * Gerry Davis - Doctor Who: The Highlanders [ 3 ] * Gerry Davis, Alison Bingeman - Doctor Who: The Celestial Toymaker [ 4 ] * Glen McCoy - Doctor Who: Timelash [ 3 ] * Glyn Jones - Doctor Who: The Space Museum [ 4 ] * Gould, Judith - Dazzle The Complete Unabridged Trilogy [ 5 ] * Graeme Curry - Doctor Who: Happiness Patrol [ 3 ] * Graham Williams - Doctor Who: The Nightmare Fair [ 4 ] * Gregory Funaro - The Impaler [ 5 ] * Hank Moody, Jonathan Grotenstein - God Hates Us All [ 5 ] * Harold Schechter - Killer Colt: Murder, Disgrace, and the Making of an American Legend [ 5 ] * Heather Terrell - Fallen Angel [ 5 ] * Helen Ellis - What Curiosity Kills [ 5 ] * Henry James - The Bostonians [ 5 ] * Honore De Balzac - The Unknown Masterpiece [ 5 ] * Iain McLaughlin, John Ostrander - Doctor Who: Blood and Hope [ 3 ] * Ian Briggs - Doctor Who: Dragonfire [ 3 ] * Ian Briggs - Doctor Who: The Curse of Fenric [ 3 ] * Ian Marter - Doctor Who: Ark in Space [ 4 ] * Ian Marter - Doctor Who: The Enemy of the World [ 3 ] * Ian Marter - Doctor Who: Sontaran Experiment [ 3 ] * Ian Marter - Doctor Who: Earthshock [ 3 ] * Ian Marter - Doctor Who: The Dominators [ 3 ] * Ian Marter - Doctor Who: The Invasion [ 3 ] * Ian Marter - Doctor Who: The Reign of Terror [ 4 ] * Ian Marter - Doctor Who: The Rescue [ 3 ] * Ian Marter, British Broadcasting Corporation - Doctor Who: Ribos Operation [ 4 ] * Ian Stuart Black - Doctor Who: The Savages [ 4 ] * Ian Stuart Black - Doctor Who: MacRa Terror [ 4 ] * Ian Stuart Black - Doctor Who: War Machine [ 4 ] * Ilona Bray, Alayna Schroeder, Marcia Stewart - Nolo's Essential Guide to Buying Your First Home [ 5 ] * Isaac Asimov, Richard Hantula - Science Fiction: Vision of Tomorrow [ 5 ] * Italo Calvino, Martin McLaughlin - Hermit in Paris: Autobiographical Writings [ 5 ] * Iyanla Vanzant - Yesterday, I Cried: Celebrating the Lessons of Living and Loving [ 5 ] * J. Farrell - The Empire Trilogy [ 5 ] * Jac Rayner - Science-Fiction:Doctor Who [ 3 ] * Jack Kerouac - Book of Sketches, 1952-57 [ 5 ] * Jack McKinney - Genesis ; Battle Cry ; Homecoming [ 5 ] * Jack N. Ip, Mohamed El-Erian - The Little Book of Economics: How the Economy Works in the Real World [ 5 ] * G. Paul - DragonKnight [ 5 ] * Dori Jones Yang - Daughter of Xanadu [ 5 ] * Douglas Perednia - Stop the Bleeding: How to Save Trillions by Overhauling America's Healthcare Machine [ 5 ] * Earlene Fowler - Seven Sisters [ 5 ] * Edward Rutherfurd - London [ 5 ] * Edward Rutherfurd - Russka: The Novel of Russia [ 5 ] * Edwidge Danticat - Haiti Noir [ 5 ] * Elizabeth Bear; Sarah Monette - Boojum [ 3 ] * Elizabeth Strout - Olive Kitteridge [ 4 ] * Elle Jasper - Afterlight [ 5 ] * Emily Doskow - Nolo's Essential Guide to Divorce [ 5 ] * Emma Donoghue - Slammerkin [ 5 ] * Eric Lamet - A Child Al Confino: The True Story of a Jewish Boy and His Mother in Mussolini's Italy [ 5 ] * Eric Pringle - Doctor Who: The Awakening [ 3 ] * Eric Saward - Doctor Who: The Visitation [ 3 ] * Eric Saward - Doctor Who: The Twin Dilemma [ 3 ] * Eric Saward - Doctor Who: Attack of the Cybermen [ 3 ] * Eric Schlosser - Fast Food Nation [ 5 ] * Ernest Hemingway - The Complete Short Stories of Ernest Hemingway [ 5 ] * F. Rakove - Founding America: Documents From the Revolution to the Bill of Rights [ 5 ] * Jacqueline Carey - Naamah's Curse [ 5 ] * Jacqueline Rayner - Doctor Who: Earthworld [ 3 ] * Jacqueline Rayner - Doctor Who: Winner Takes All [ 4 ] * Jacqueline Rayner - Doctor Who: The Stone Rose [ 4 ] * Jacqueline Rayner - Doctor Who: The Last Dodo [ 3 ] * James Clavell - Shgun: A Novel of Japan [ 5 ] * James Fenimore Cooper - The Deerslayer [ 5 ] * James Lovegrove - The Age of Odin [ 5 ] * James Patterson - Angel: A Maximum Ride Novel [ 4 ] * James Patterson, Andrew Gross - 2nd Chance [ 4 ] * James Sullivan - Seven Dirty Words: The Life and Crimes of George Carlin [ 5 ] * Jane Smiley - The Greenlanders [ 5 ] * Jason Robillard, Dirk Wierenga (Editor) - The Barefoot Running Book [ 5 ] * Jay Conrad Levinson, David E. Corsi - The Shroud Codex [ 5 ] * Jerry Levitan - I Met the Walrus: How One Day With John Lennon Changed My Life Forever [ 5 ] * Jesse Petersen - Flip This Zombie [ 5 ] * Jim Mortimore - Doctor Who: Beltempest [ 3 ] * Jim Mortimore - Doctor Who: Blood Heat [ 4 ] * Jim Mortimore - Doctor Who: Parasite [ 3 ] * Jim Mortimore - Doctor Who: Eternity Weeps [ 3 ] * Jim Mortimore - Doctor Who: Eye of Heaven [ 3 ] * Jim Mortimore, Andy Lane - Doctor Who: Lucifer Rising [ 4 ] * John Berendt - Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil: A Savannah Story [ 5 ] * John Burdett - Bangkok Haunts [ 5 ] * John Grisham - The Chamber [ 5 ] * John Grisham - The Firm [ 5 ] * John Jackson Miller - Star Wars: Lost Tribe of the Sith: Precipice [ 5 ] * John Jackson Miller - Star Wars: Lost Tribe of the Sith: Skyborn [ 5 ] * John Jackson Miller - Star Wars: Lost Tribe of the Sith: Paragon [ 5 ] * John Jackson Miller - Star Wars: Lost Tribe of the Sith: Savor [ 5 ] * John Jackson Miller - Star Wars: Lost Tribe of the Sith: Purgatory [ 5 ] * John Jackson Miller - Star Wars: Knight Errant [ 5 ] * John Katzenbach - The Wrong Man [ 5 ] * John Lucarotti - Doctor Who: The Aztecs [ 4 ] * John Lucarotti - Doctor Who: Marco Polo [ 4 ] * John Lucarotti - Doctor Who: The Massacre [ 3 ] * John Lydecker - Doctor Who: Warriors' Gate [ 3 ] * John Lydecker - Doctor Who: Terminus [ 3 ] * John Peel - Doctor Who: War of the Daleks [ 3 ] * John Peel - Doctor Who: Legacy of the Daleks [ 3 ] * John Peel - Evolution [ 3 ] * John Peel - Doctor Who: Timewyrm: Genesis [ 3 ] * John Peel - Doctor Who: The Chase [ 3 ] * John Peel - Doctor Who: Mission to the Unknown [ 3 ] * John Peel - Doctor Who: The Mutation of Time [ 3 ] * John Peel - Doctor Who: The Power of the Daleks [ 3 ] * John Peel, David Whitaker - Doctor Who: The Evil of the Daleks [ 3 ] * John Saul - Perfect Nightmare [ 5 ] * John Updike - Rich in Russia [ 5 ] * John Whitman - Veto Power [ 4 ] * John Whitman - Cat's Claw [ 4 ] * John Whitman - Chaos Theory [ 4 ] * John, Benson Milius - Homefront [ 5 ] * Jon De Burgh Miller - Doctor Who: Dying in the Sun [ 3 ] * Jonathan Blum, Kate Orman - Doctor Who: Vampire Science [ 3 ] * Jonathan Blum, Kate Orman - Doctor Who: Seeing I [ 3 ] * Jonathan Blum, Kate Orman - Doctor Who: Unnatural History [ 3 ] * Jonathan Blum, Kate Orman - Doctor Who: The Year of Intelligent Tigers [ 3 ] * Jonathan Blum, Kate Orman - Doctor Who: Fallen Gods [ 3 ] * Jonathan Morris - Doctor Who: Anachrophobia [ 3 ] * Jonathan Morris - Doctor Who: The Tomorrow Windows [ 3 ] * Jonathan Morris - Doctor Who: Festival of Death [ 3 ] * Jonathan Strahan - Engineering Infinity [ 5 ] * Joss Ware - Night Betrayed [ 5 ] * Julian Hawthorne - Ken's Mystery [ 5 ] * Justin Richards - Doctor Who: Option Lock [ 3 ] * Justin Richards - Doctor Who: Demontage [ 3 ] * Justin Richards - Doctor Who: The Burning [ 4 ] * Justin Richards - Doctor Who: Time Zero [ 4 ] * Justin Richards - Doctor Who: Sometime Never [ 3 ] * Justin Richards - System Shock [ 3 ] * Justin Richards - The Sands of Time [ 3 ] * Justin Richards - Doctor Who: Theatre of War [ 4 ] * Justin Richards - Doctor Who: Dragons' Wrath [ 3 ] * Justin Richards - Doctor Who: The Clockwise Man [ 3 ] * Justin Richards - Doctor Who: The Deviant Strain [ 4 ] * Justin Richards - Doctor Who: The Resurrection Casket [ 3 ] * Justin Richards - Science-Fiction:Doctor Who [ 2 ] * Justin Richards - Doctor Who: Dreams of Empire [ 3 ] * Justin Richards - Doctor Who: Millennium Shock [ 3 ] * Justin Richards - Doctor Who: Grave Matter [ 3 ] * Justin Richards, Stephen Cole - Doctor Who: The Shadow in the Glass [ 3 ] * Justina Chen Headley - North of Beautiful [ 5 ] * Justine Larbalestier - How to Ditch Your Fairy [ 5 ] * Karen Russell - St Lucy's Home for Girls Raised by Wolves [ 5 ] * Kate Chopin, Rachel Adams - The Awakening and Selected Short Fiction [ 5 ] * Kate Orman - Doctor Who: Left-Handed Hummingbird [ 4 ] * Kate Orman - Doctor Who: Set Piece [ 3 ] * Kate Orman - Doctor Who: Sleepy [ 3 ] * Kate Orman - Doctor Who: Return of the Living Dad [ 3 ] * Kate Orman - Doctor Who: The Room With No Doors [ 3 ] * Kate Orman - Science-Fiction:Doctor Who [ 3 ] * Keith Baker - City of Towers: The Dreaming Dark [ 5 ] * Keith Baker - The Shattered Land: The Dreaming Dark [ 5 ] * Keith Baker - The Gates of Night: The Dreaming Dark [ 5 ] * Keith R. Perry - Guerrilla Marking for Job Hunters 2.0 [ 5 ] * Jay Dobyns, Nils Johnson-Shelton - No Angel: My Harrowing Undercover Journey to the Inner Circle of the Hells Angels [ 5 ] * Jeff Jarvis - What Would Google Do? Pelecanos - Hard Revolution: A Novel [ 5 ] * George P. Lockwood - Locust: The Devastating Rise and Mysterious Disappearance of the Insect That Shaped the American Frontier [ 5 ] * Jeffrey G. DeCandido - Apocalypse [ 4 ] * Keith R. [ 3 ] * Keith Topping - Doctor Who: Ghost Ship [ 3 ] * Keith Topping, Martin Day - Science-Fiction:Doctor Who [ 3 ] * Keith Topping, Martin Day - Doctor Who: The Hollow Men [ 3 ] * Kevin Clarke - Doctor Who: Silver Nemesis [ 3 ] * Kim Edwards - The Lake of Dreams [ 5 ] * Kim Falconer - The Spell of Rosette [ 5 ] * Kim Falconer - Arrows of Time [ 5 ] * Kim Falconer - Strange Attractors [ 5 ] * Kim Newman, Dave Stone - Doctor Who: Time and Relative [ 3 ] * Kristin Naca - Bird Eating Bird: Poems [ 5 ] * Kurt Vonnegut - While Mortals Sleep: Unpublished Short Fiction [ 5 ] * Lance Parkin - Doctor Who: Father Time [ 4 ] * Lance Parkin - Doctor Who: Trading Futures [ 4 ] * Lance Parkin - Doctor Who: The Gallifrey Chronicles [ 3 ] * Lance Parkin - Cold Fusion [ 3 ] * Lance Parkin - Doctor Who: Just War [ 3 ] * Lance Parkin - Doctor Who: The Dying Days [ 3 ] * Lance Parkin - Doctor Who: The Infinity Doctors [ 3 ] * Larry Niven - The Draco Tavern [ 5 ] * Lauren Oliver - Delirium [ 5 ] * Lawrence A. Kane, Kris Wilder - The Little Black Book of Violence: What Every Young Man Needs to Know About Fighting [ 5 ] * Lawrence Miles - Doctor Who: Alien Bodies [ 3 ] * Lawrence Miles - Doctor Who: Interference: Book One [ 3 ] * Lawrence Miles - Doctor Who: Interference: Book Two [ 3 ] * Lawrence Miles - Doctor Who: The Adventures of Henrietta Street [ 4 ] * Lawrence Miles - Doctor Who: Christmas on a Rational Planet [ 3 ] * Lenny Bartulin - Death by the Book [ 5 ] * Lloyd Rose - Doctor Who: The City of the Dead [ 3 ] * Lloyd Rose - Doctor Who: Camera Obscura [ 4 ] * Lloyd Rose - Science-Fiction:Doctor Who [ 3 ] * Louise Cooper - Doctor Who: Rip Tide [ 3 ] * Luanne Rice - Secrets of Paris: A Novel [ 5 ] * Lynn Flewelling - The White Road [ 5 ] * Lynn Flewelling - Shadows Return [ 5 ] * Lynn N. DeCandido - Genesis [ 3 ] * Keith R. Beaton - Sick of Shadows [ 5 ] * Mags L. Beaton - Snobbery With Violence [ 5 ] * M. DeCandido - Resident Evil: Extinction [ 4 ] * Keith Topping - Doctor Who: The King of Terror [ 3 ] * Keith Topping - Doctor Who: Byzantium! Halliday - Doctor Who: History 101 [ 4 ] * Malcolm Hulke - Doctor Who: Cave Monsters [ 3 ] * Malcolm Hulke - Doctor Who: Dinosaur Invasion [ 4 ] * Malcolm Hulke - Doctor Who: The Doomsday Weapon [ 4 ] * Malcolm Hulke - Doctor Who: The Green Death [ 4 ] * Malcolm Hulke - Doctor Who: The Sea-Devils [ 4 ] * Malcolm Hulke - Doctor Who: Space War [ 4 ] * Malcolm Hulke - Doctor Who: War Games [ 3 ] * Malcolm Kohll - Doctor Who: Delta and the Bannermen [ 3 ] * Manjit Kumar - Quantum: Einstein, Bohr and the Great Debate About the Nature of Reality [ 4 ] * Marc Cerasini - Operation Hell Gate [ 4 ] * Marc Cerasini - Vanishing Point [ 4 ] * Marc Cerasini - Collateral Damage [ 4 ] * Marc Platt - Downtime [ 3 ] * Marc Platt - Doctor Who: Cat's Cradle: Times Crucible [ 4 ] * Marc Platt - Doctor Who: Lungbarrow [ 3 ] * Marc Platt - Doctor Who: Ghost Light [ 3 ] * Marc Platt - Doctor Who: Battlefield [ 3 ] * Marcus Chown - Quantum Theory Cannot Hurt You: A Guide to the Universe [ 5 ] * Margaret Weis, Tracy Hickman - Forging the Darksword [ 5 ] * Margaret Weis, Tracy Hickman - Doom of the Darksword [ 5 ] * Margaret Weis, Tracy Hickman - Triumph of the Darksword [ 5 ] * Margaret Weis, Tracy Hickman - Legacy of the Darksword [ 4 ] * Margaret Weis, Tracy Hickman - Dragons of the Autumn Twilight [ 5 ] * Margaret Weis, Tracy Hickman - Dragons of Winter Night [ 5 ] * Margaret Weis, Tracy Hickman - Dragons of Spring Dawning [ 5 ] * Margaret Weis, Tracy Hickman - Bones of the Dragon [ 5 ] * Margaret Weis, Tracy Hickman - Treasures of Fantasy [ 5 ] * Mark Chadbourn - Doctor Who: Wonderland [ 3 ] * Mark Clapham - Doctor Who: Hope [ 4 ] * Mark Gatiss - Doctor Who: Nightshade [ 3 ] * Mark Gatiss - Doctor Who: St. Allen - Instant Interviews: 101 Ways to Get the Best Job of Your Life [ 5 ] * Jeremy Clarkson - How Hard Can It Be? Anthony's Fire [ 4 ] * Mark Gatiss - Doctor Who: The Roundheads [ 3 ] * Mark Gatiss - Doctor Who: Last of the Gaderene [ 3 ] * Mark Hodder - The Strange Affair of Spring Heeled Jack [ 5 ] * Mark Logue, Peter Conradi - The King's Speech [ 5 ] * Mark Michalowski - Doctor Who: Halflife [ 3 ] * Mark Michalowski - Doctor Who: Wetworld [ 3 ] * Mark Michalowski - Doctor Who: Relative Dementias [ 3 ] * Mark Morris - Doctor Who: The Bodysnatchers [ 3 ] * Mark Morris - Doctor Who: Deep Blue [ 3 ] * Marlon Brando, Robert Lindsey - Brando: Songs My Mother Taught Me [ 5 ] * Martin Amis - Heavy Water: And Other Stories [ 5 ] * Martin Day - Doctor Who: The Sleep of Reason [ 3 ] * Martin Day - Menagerie [ 3 ] * Martin Day - Doctor Who: Wooden Heart [ 3 ] * Martin Day - Doctor Who: Bunker Soldiers [ 3 ] * Martin Dunford, Phil Lee, Karoline Thomas - The Rough Guide to Amsterdam [ 5 ] * Martin Gilbert - The Will of the People: Winston Churchill and Parliamentary Democracy [ 5 ] * Martin Gilbert - Winston Churchill's War Leadership [ 5 ] * Masanobu Fukuoka, Larry Korn, Wendell Berry, Frances Moore Lappe - The One-Straw Revolution: An Introduction to Natural Farming [ 5 ] * Matthew B. Austin - Candle in the Darkness [ 5 ] * M. Cast, Kristin Cast - Untamed [ 5 ] * P. Cast, Kristin Cast - Awakened [ 5 ] * P. Cast, Kristin Cast - Chosen [ 5 ] * P. Cast, Kristin Cast - Betrayed: A House of Night Novel [ 5 ] * P. Offit - Deadly Choices: How the Anti-Vaccine Movement Threatens Us All [ 5 ] * Paul Bergman, Sara J. Cast, Kristin Cast - Burned [ 5 ] * P. McAuley - Doctor Who: The Eye of the Tyger [ 3 ] * Paul Leonard - Doctor Who: Genocide [ 3 ] * Paul Leonard - Doctor Who: Revolution Man [ 3 ] * Paul Leonard - Doctor Who: The Turing Test [ 4 ] * Paul Leonard - Doctor Who: The Last Resort [ 3 ] * Paul Leonard - Venusian Lullaby [ 3 ] * Paul Leonard - Dancing the Code [ 3 ] * Paul Leonard - Speed of Flight [ 3 ] * Paul Leonard - Doctor Who: Toy Soldiers [ 3 ] * Paul Leonard, Paul Hinder - Doctor Who: Dreamstone Moon [ 3 ] * Paul Magrs - Doctor Who: The Scarlet Empress [ 3 ] * Paul Magrs - Doctor Who: Mad Dogs and Englishmen [ 4 ] * Paul Magrs - Doctor Who: Sick Building [ 3 ] * Paul Magrs - Doctor Who: Verdigris [ 3 ] * Paul Magrs, Jeremy Hoad - Doctor Who: The Blue Angel [ 3 ] * Paul Saint - Science-Fiction:Doctor Who [ 3 ] * Paul Slansky - The Clothes Have No Emperor: A Chronicle of the American '80s [ 5 ] * Pema Ch̦dr̦n - Taking the Leap: Freeing Ourselves From Old Habits and Fears [ 5 ] * Penny Rudolph - Lifeblood [ 5 ] * Penny Rudolph - Listen to the Mockingbird [ 5 ] * Penny Rudolph - Thicker Than Blood [ 5 ] * Perri O'Shaughnessy - Acts of Malice [ 5 ] * Perri O'Shaughnessy - Case of Lies [ 5 ] * Perri O'Shaughnessy - Writ of Execution [ 5 ] * Peter Anghelides - Doctor Who: Kursaal [ 3 ] * Peter Anghelides - Doctor Who: Frontier Worlds [ 3 ] * Peter Anghelides, Stephen Cole - Doctor Who: The Ancestor Cell [ 4 ] * Peter Carey - 30 Days in Sydney: A Wildly Distorted Account [ 5 ] * Peter Darvill-Evans - Doctor Who: Deceit [ 3 ] * Peter Darvill-Evans - Doctor Who: Asylum [ 3 ] * Peter Grimwade - Doctor Who: Time Flight [ 3 ] * Peter Grimwade - Doctor Who: Mawdryn Undead [ 3 ] * Peter Grimwade, British Broadcasting Corporation - Doctor Who: Planet of Fire [ 3 ] * Peter Ling - Doctor Who: The Mind Robber [ 3 ] * Philip Hinchcliffe - Doctor Who: The Masque of the Mandragora [ 4 ] * Philip Hinchcliffe - Doctor Who: The Seeds of Doom [ 4 ] * Philip Hinchcliffe, Terry Nation - Doctor Who: The Keys of Marinus [ 4 ] * Philip K. Dick - Martian Time Slip [ 5 ] * Philip Martin - Doctor Who: Vengeance on Varos [ 3 ] * Philip Martin - Doctor Who: Trial of a Time Lord : Mindwarp [ 3 ] * Philip Martin - Doctor Who: Mission to Magnus [ 4 ] * Philip Pullman - Once Upon a Time in the North [ 5 ] * Philip Roth - Portnoy's Complaint [ 5 ] * Piers Anthony - Split Infinity [ 3 ] * Piers Anthony - Blue Adept [ 3 ] * Piers Anthony - Juxtaposition [ 3 ] * Piers Anthony - Out of Phaze [ 3 ] * Piers Anthony - Robot Adept [ 3 ] * Piers Anthony - Unicorn Point [ 3 ] * Piers Anthony - Phaze Doubt [ 3 ] * Piers Anthony - Firefly [ 3 ] * Pip Baker, Jane Baker - Doctor Who: The Mark of the Rani [ 3 ] * Pip Baker, Jane Baker - Doctor Who: Terror of the Vervoids [ 3 ] * Pip Baker, Jane Baker - Doctor Who: Time and the Rani [ 3 ] * Pip Baker, Jane Baker - Doctor Who: The Trial of a Time Lord : The Ultimate Foe [ 3 ] * Priya Parmar - Exit the Actress: A Novel [ 5 ] * R. Berman-Barrett - The Criminal Law Handbook: Know Your Rights, Survive the System [ 5 ] * Paul Cornell - Doctor Who: The Shadows of Avalon [ 3 ] * Paul Cornell - Goth Opera [ 3 ] * Paul Cornell - Doctor Who: Timewyrm: Revelation [ 3 ] * Paul Cornell - Doctor Who: No Future [ 3 ] * Paul Cornell - Doctor Who: No Future [ 4 ] * Paul Cornell - Doctor Who: Human Nature [ 3 ] * Paul Cornell - Doctor Who: Happy Endings [ 3 ] * Paul Cornell - Doctor Who: Oh No It Isn't [ 3 ] * Paul Cornell - Science-Fiction:Doctor Who [ 3 ] * Paul Cornell, Publishing Carol - Doctor Who: Love or War [ 3 ] * Paul Cornell, Terrance Dicks - Doctor Who: Blood Harvest [ 3 ] * Paul Ebbs - Doctor Who: The Book of the Still [ 4 ] * Paul Erickson - Doctor Who: The Ark [ 3 ] * Paul J. Warner, Ralph Warner, Emily Doskow - Everybody's Guide to Small Claims Court [ 5 ] * Randy Alcorn - Deadline [ 5 ] * Randy Alcorn - Dominion [ 5 ] * Randy Alcorn - Deception [ 5 ] * Randy Wayne White - Dead Silence [ 5 ] * Randy Wayne White - Everglades [ 5 ] * Raymond Chandler - Playback [ 5 ] * Raymond Chandler - The Little Sister [ 5 ] * Richard A. Lupoff - The Final Battle [ 5 ] * Richard Baker - Forsaken House: The Last Mythal [ 5 ] * Richard Lee Byers - The Ruin [ 5 ] * Richard Stark - Breakout [ 5 ] * Richard Stark - Nobody Runs Forever [ 5 ] * Rob Reger, Jessica Gruner - Emily the Strange: The Lost Days [ 5 ] * Rob Reger, Jessica Gruner, Buzz Parker - Emily the Strange: Stranger and Stranger [ 5 ] * Rob Thompson - The Glycemic Load Diet: A Powerful New Program for Losing Weight and Reversing Insulin Resistance [ 5 ] * Robert A. Darvill-Evans - Doctor Who: Independence Day [ 3 ] * Pamela Schoenewaldt - When We Were Strangers [ 5 ] * Paul A. Cast, Kristin Cast - Hunted: A House of Night Novel [ 5 ] * P. Davies - Doctor Who: Damaged Goods [ 4 ] * Ruth Rendell - Shake Hands Forever [ 5 ] * Ruth Rendell - A Sleeping Life [ 5 ] * Ruth Rendell - An Unkindness of Ravens [ 5 ] * Ruth Rendell - Not in the Flesh: A Wexford Novel [ 5 ] * Salman Rushdie - Shalimar the Clown: A Novel [ 5 ] * Samantha Hunter - Fascination [ 5 ] * Samantha Hunter - Friction [ 5 ] * Samantha Hunter - Flirtation [ 5 ] * Sandra Rodriguez Barron - The Heiress of Water: A Novel [ 5 ] * Sarah Vowell - The Wordy Shipmates [ 5 ] * Scott Christianson - The Last Gasp: The Rise and Fall of the American Gas Chamber [ 5 ] * Scott Heim - Mysterious Skin [ 5 ] * Shae Irving, Nolo (Firm) - Nolo's Encyclopedia of Everyday Law: Answers to Your Most Frequently Asked Legal Questions [ 5 ] * Sharon Salzberg - Real Happiness [ 5 ] * Shelby Foote - The Civil War, a Narrative: Fort Sumter to Perryville [ 5 ] * Shelby Foote - The Civil War, a Narrative: Shelby Foote [ 5 ] * Shelby Foote - The Civil War, a Narrative: Red River to Appomattox [ 5 ] * Shirley Jackson - The Lottery [ 3 ] * Sidney Sheldon - Tell Me Your Dreams [ 5 ] * Sidney Sheldon - The Sands of Time [ 5 ] * Sidney Sheldon - The Stars Shine Down [ 5 ] * Sidney Sheldon - Windmills of the Gods [ 5 ] * Simon A. Heinlein - Time Enough for Love: The Lives of Lazarus Long [ 4 ] * Robert Anson Heinlein - I Will Fear No Evil [ 4 ] * Robert Burton Robinson - Sweet Ginger Poison [ 5 ] * Robert Clark - Dark Water: Flood and Redemption in the City of Masterpieces [ 5 ] * Robert Crais - The Last Detective [ 5 ] * Robert Crais - Demolition Angel [ 5 ] * Robert Ferrigno - Scavenger Hunt [ 5 ] * Robert Ferrigno - The Wake-Up [ 5 ] * Robert Holmes - Doctor Who: The Two Doctors [ 3 ] * Robert Jordan, Brandon Sanderson - Towers of Midnight [ 5 ] * Robert Newton Peck - A Day No Pigs Would Die [ 5 ] * Robert Perry, Mike Tucker - Doctor Who: Matrix [ 3 ] * Robert Perry, Mike Tucker - Science-Fiction:Doctor Who [ 3 ] * Robin Adair - Death and the Running Patterer [ 5 ] * Robin Sloan - The Writer And The Witch [ 3 ] * Robyn Carr, Jean Brashear, Victoria Dahl - Midnight Kiss: Midnight Confessions\Midnight Surrender\Midnight Assignment [ 5 ] * Rona Munro - Doctor Who: Survival [ 3 ] * Rosalyn Story - Wading Home: A Novel of New Orleans [ 5 ] * Russell T. Salvatore - The Ghost King [ 5 ] * Ralph E. Stiles - The First Tycoon: The Epic Life of Cornelius Vanderbilt [ 5 ] * Tara Samms - Doctor Who: Frayed [ 3 ] * Taylor Anderson - Distant Thunders: Destroyermen [ 5 ] * Terence Dudley - Doctor Who: The King's Demons [ 3 ] * Terence Dudley - Doctor Who: Black Orchid [ 3 ] * Terrance Dicks - Doctor Who: The Eight Doctors [ 3 ] * Terrance Dicks - Doctor Who: Endgame [ 4 ] * Terrance Dicks - Doctor Who: Timewyrm: Exodus [ 3 ] * Terrance Dicks - Doctor Who: Shakedown [ 3 ] * Terrance Dicks - Science-Fiction:Doctor Who [ 2 ] * Terrance Dicks - Science-Fiction:Doctor Who [ 2 ] * Terrance Dicks - Doctor Who: Catastrophe [ 3 ] * Terrance Dicks - Doctor Who: Players [ 3 ] * Terrance Dicks - Doctor Who: Warmonger [ 3 ] * Terrance Dicks - Science-Fiction:Doctor Who [ 3 ] * Terrance Dicks - Doctor Who: Abominable Snowmen [ 3 ] * Terrance Dicks - Doctor Who: Android Invasion [ 3 ] * Terrance Dicks - Doctor Who: Androids of Tara [ 4 ] * Terrance Dicks - Doctor Who: Armageddon Factor [ 4 ] * Terrance Dicks - Doctor Who: Auton Invasion [ 3 ] * Terrance Dicks - Doctor Who: The Brain of Morbius [ 4 ] * Terrance Dicks - Doctor Who: Claws of Axos [ 3 ] * Terrance Dicks - Doctor Who: Day of the Daleks [ 4 ] * Terrance Dicks - Doctor Who: Deadly Assassin [ 4 ] * Terrance Dicks - Doctor Who: Death To The Daleks [ 4 ] * Terrance Dicks - Doctor Who: Destiny of the Daleks [ 4 ] * Terrance Dicks - Doctor Who: The Face of Evil [ 4 ] * Terrance Dicks - Doctor Who: The Genesis of the Daleks [ 4 ] * Terrance Dicks - Doctor Who: The Giant Robot [ 4 ] * Terrance Dicks - Doctor Who: The Hand of Fear [ 4 ] * Terrance Dicks - Doctor Who: The Horns of Nimon [ 4 ] * Terrance Dicks - Doctor Who: The Horror of Fang Rock [ 4 ] * Terrance Dicks - Doctor Who: The Invasion of Time [ 4 ] * Terrance Dicks - Doctor Who: The Invisible Enemy [ 4 ] * Terrance Dicks - Doctor Who: The Image of the Fendahl [ 4 ] * Terrance Dicks - Doctor Who: The Keeper of Traken [ 3 ] * Terrance Dicks - Doctor Who: The Loch Ness Monster [ 4 ] * Terrance Dicks - Doctor Who: The Monster of Peladon [ 4 ] * Terrance Dicks - Doctor Who: The Mutants [ 4 ] * Terrance Dicks - Doctor Who: The Nightmare of Eden [ 4 ] * Terrance Dicks - Doctor Who: The Planet of the Daleks [ 4 ] * Terrance Dicks - Doctor Who: The Planet of Evil [ 3 ] * Terrance Dicks - Doctor Who: The Planet of the Spiders [ 4 ] * Terrance Dicks - Doctor Who: The Power of Kroll [ 4 ] * Terrance Dicks - Doctor Who: Pyramids of Mars [ 4 ] * Terrance Dicks - Doctor Who: Revenge of the Cybermen [ 3 ] * Terrance Dicks - Doctor Who: Robots of Death [ 4 ] * Terrance Dicks - Doctor Who: The State of Decay [ 4 ] * Terrance Dicks - Doctor Who: Stones of Blood [ 4 ] * Terrance Dicks - Doctor Who: Sunmakers [ 4 ] * Terrance Dicks - Doctor Who: Talons of Weng-Chiang [ 4 ] * Terrance Dicks - Doctor Who: The Terrors of Autons [ 4 ] * Terrance Dicks - Doctor Who: Three Doctors [ 4 ] * Terrance Dicks - Doctor Who: Time Warrior [ 3 ] * Terrance Dicks - Doctor Who: Underworld [ 3 ] * Terrance Dicks - Doctor Who and an Unearthly Child [ 3 ] * Terrance Dicks - Doctor Who: The Web of Fear [ 3 ] * Terrance Dicks - Doctor Who: Meglos [ 4 ] * Terrance Dicks - Doctor Who: Four to Doomsday [ 3 ] * Terrance Dicks - Doctor Who: Arc of Infinity [ 3 ] * Terrance Dicks - Doctor Who: The Five Doctors [ 3 ] * Terrance Dicks - Doctor Who: Snakedance [ 3 ] * Terrance Dicks - Doctor Who: Kinda [ 3 ] * Terrance Dicks - Doctor Who: Warriors of the Deep [ 3 ] * Terrance Dicks - Doctor Who: Inferno [ 3 ] * Terrance Dicks - Doctor Who: The Caves of Androzani [ 3 ] * Terrance Dicks - Doctor Who: The Mind of Evil [ 3 ] * Terrance Dicks - Doctor Who: The Krotons [ 4 ] * Terrance Dicks - Doctor Who: The Time Monster [ 3 ] * Terrance Dicks - Doctor Who: The Seeds of Death [ 3 ] * Terrance Dicks - Doctor Who: The Faceless Ones [ 3 ] * Terrance Dicks - Doctor Who: Dalek Invasion of Earth [ 4 ] * Terrance Dicks - Doctor Who: The Ambassadors of Death [ 3 ] * Terrance Dicks - Doctor Who: Mysterious Planet [ 3 ] * Terrance Dicks - Doctor Who: The Mysterious Planet [ 3 ] * Terrance Dicks - Doctor Who: The Wheel in Space [ 3 ] * Terrance Dicks - Doctor Who: The Smugglers [ 3 ] * Terrance Dicks - Doctor Who: Planet of Giants [ 3 ] * Terrance Dicks - Doctor Who: The Space Pirates [ 4 ] * Terrance Dicks, Barry Letts - Science-Fiction:Doctor Who [ 3 ] * Terrance Dicks, Robert Holmes - Doctor Who: Carnival of Monsters [ 4 ] * Thea von Harbou - Metropolis [ 4 ] * Tim Burke, Michael Burke - Die Happy: 499 Things Every Guy's Gotta Do While He Still Can [ 5 ] * Timothy Zahn - Heir to the Empire [ 4 ] * Timothy Zahn - Dark Force Rising [ 4 ] * Timothy Zahn - Dark Force Rising [ 4 ] * Tom Arden - Doctor Who: Nightdreamers [ 3 ] * Tony Barnstone, Ping Chou - The Anchor Book of Chinese Poetry [ 5 ] * Tracy Daugherty - Hiding Man: A Biography of Donald Barthelme [ 5 ] * Trevor Baxendale - Doctor Who: The Janus Conjunction [ 3 ] * Trevor Baxendale - Doctor Who: Coldheart [ 3 ] * Trevor Baxendale - Doctor Who: Eater of Wasps [ 3 ] * Trevor Baxendale - Doctor Who: The Deadstone Memorial [ 3 ] * Trevor Baxendale - Doctor Who: Wishing Well [ 3 ] * Trevor Baxendale - Science-Fiction:Doctor Who [ 3 ] * Truman Capote, John Berendt - Other Voices, Other Rooms [ 5 ] * Various - The Golden Age of Science Fiction Volume VIII: An Anthology of 50 Short Stories [ 5 ] * Various - The Golden Age of Science Fiction Volume IX: An Anthology of 50 Short Stories [ 5 ] * Various - The Golden Age of Science Fiction Volume X: An Anthology of 50 Short Stories [ 5 ] * Various - The Golden Age of Science Fiction Volume XI: An Anthology of 50 Short Stories [ 5 ] * Various - The Golden Age of Science Fiction Volume XII: An Anthology of 50 Short Stories [ 5 ] * Various - The Golden Age of Science Fiction Volume XIII: An Anthology of 50 Short Stories [ 5 ] * Various - The Sun Book of Short Stories [ 5 ] * Vasily Grossman, Robert Chandler - The Road [ 5 ] * Victor Pemberton - Doctor Who: Fury From the Deep [ 3 ] * Victor Pemberton - Doctor Who: The Pescatons [ 3 ] * Victoria Forester - The Girl Who Could Fly [ 5 ] * Victoria Laurie - What's a Ghoul to Do? Forward - Doctor Who: Shell Shock [ 3 ] * Simon Bucher-Jones - Doctor Who: The Death of Art [ 3 ] * Simon Bucher-Jones, Kelly Hale - Doctor Who: Grimm Reality [ 4 ] * Simon Bucher-Jones, Mark Clapham - Doctor Who: The Taking of Planet 5 [ 3 ] * Simon Clark - Doctor Who: The Dalek Factor [ 3 ] * Simon Guerrier - Science-Fiction:Doctor Who [ 3 ] * Simon Holt - The Devouring [ 5 ] * Simon Messingham - Doctor Who: The Face-Eater [ 3 ] * Simon Messingham - Doctor Who: The Infinity Race [ 3 ] * Simon Messingham - Doctor Who: Strange England [ 4 ] * Simon Messingham - Doctor Who: Zeta Major [ 3 ] * Simon Messingham - Doctor Who: The Tomb of Valdemar [ 3 ] * Simon Messingham - Science-Fiction:Doctor Who [ 3 ] * Stacey Wallace Benefiel, Valerie Wallace, Robert Benefiel - Glimpse [ 4 ] * Staff of the New York Times, Edited by Alexander Star - Open Secrets: WikiLeaks, War and American Diplomacy [ 5 ] * Stan Berenstain - The Berenstain Bears and Too Much Teasing [ 5 ] * Stephen Cole - Doctor Who: Vanishing Point [ 4 ] * Stephen Cole - Doctor Who: To the Slaughter [ 3 ] * Stephen Cole - Doctor Who: The Monsters Inside [ 4 ] * Stephen Cole - Doctor  binary options Who: The Feast of the Drowned [ 4 ] * Stephen Cole - Doctor Who: The Art of Destruction [ 1 ] * Stephen Cole - Doctor Who: Sting of the Zygons [ 3 ] * Stephen Cole - Doctor Who: Ten Little Aliens [ 3 ] * Stephen Cole, Various - Doctor Who: Timeless [ 3 ] * Stephen Frey - The Power Broker [ 5 ] * Stephen Frey - The Successor [ 5 ] * Stephen Hunt - The Court of the Air [ 4 ] * Stephen Hunt - The Kingdom Beyond the Waves [ 4 ] * Stephen Marley - Managra [ 3 ] * Stephen Wyatt - Doctor Who: Paradise Towers [ 3 ] * Stephen Wyatt - Doctor Who: Greatest Show in the Galaxy [ 3 ] * Steve Emmerson - Doctor Who: Casualities of War [ 4 ] * Steve Emmerson - Doctor Who: Dark Progeny [ 3 ] * Steve Lyons - Doctor Who: Space Age [ 3 ] * Steve Lyons - Doctor Who: The Crooked World [ 4 ] * Steve Lyons - Time of Your Life [ 3 ] * Steve Lyons - Killing Ground [ 3 ] * Steve Lyons - Doctor Who: Conundrum [ 4 ] * Steve Lyons - Doctor Who: Head Games [ 3 ] * Steve Lyons - Doctor Who: The Stealers of Dreams [ 4 ] * Steve Lyons - Doctor Who: The Murder Game [ 3 ] * Steve Lyons - Doctor Who: The Witch Hunters [ 3 ] * Steve Lyons - Doctor Who: Salvation [ 3 ] * Steve Lyons - Doctor Who: The Final Sanction [ 3 ] * Susanne Alleyn - Game of Patience [ 5 ] * T. Du Bois, Farah Jasmine Griffin - The Souls of Black Folk [ 5 ] * Wally K. Forward - Doctor Who: Emotional Chemistry [ 3 ] * Simon A. [ 4 ] * Victoria Laurie - Demons Are a Ghoul's Best Friend [ 3 ] * Victoria Laurie - Ghouls Just Haunt to Have Fun [ 4 ] * Victoria Laurie - Ghouls Gone Wild [ 4 ] * Victoria Laurie - Ghouls, Ghouls, Ghouls [ 5 ] * Violette Malan - The Sleeping God [ 4 ] * Violette Malan - The Soldier King [ 3 ] * Violette Malan - The Storm Witch [ 5 ] * W. Crawford - Shop Class as Soulcraft: An Inquiry Into the Value of Work [ 5 ] * Matthew Jones - Doctor Who: Bad Therapy [ 3 ] * Matthew Jones - Doctor Who: Beyond the Sun [ 3 ] * Matthew Reilly - Ice Station [ 5 ] * Matthew Reilly - Seven Ancient Wonders [ 5 ] * Max Frei, Polly Gannon - The Stranger [ 5 ] * Max Lucado - The Applause of Heaven [ 5 ] * Melody Carlson - Crystal Lies [ 5 ] * Meri Raffetto - The Glycemic Index Diet for Dummies [ 5 ] * Michael Byrnes - The Genesis Plague [ 5 ] * Michael Collier - Doctor Who: Longest Day [ 3 ] * Michael Collier - Doctor Who: The Taint [ 3 ] * Michael Crichton - The Lost World [ 5 ] * Michael Crichton - Timeline [ 5 ] * Michael David Lukas - The Oracle of Stamboul: A Novel [ 5 ] * Michael Harney - The Harney & Sons Guide to Tea [ 5 ] * Michael Sandler, Jessica Lee - Barefoot Running: How to Run Light and Free by Getting in Touch With the Earth [ 5 ] * Michael Swanwick - Stations of the Tide [ 5 ] * Mick Lewis - Doctor Who: Rags [ 3 ] * Mick Lewis - Doctor Who: Combat Rock [ 3 ] * Mike Tucker - Doctor Who: The Nightmare of Black Island [ 1 ] * Mike Tucker - Doctor Who: Prime Time [ 3 ] * Mike Tucker, Robert Perry - Doctor Who: Illegal Alien [ 3 ] * Mike Tucker, Robert Perry - Doctor Who: Storm Harvest [ 3 ] * Mike Tucker, Robert Perry - Doctor Who: Companion Piece [ 3 ] * Minette Walters - The Devil's Feather [ 5 ] * Natalie Dallaire, Stephen Cole - Doctor Who: Parallel 59 [ 3 ] * Neal Stephenson - Cryptonomicon [ 5 ] * Neil Penswick - Doctor Who: The Pit [ 4 ] * Neil White - In the Sanctuary of Outcasts: A Memoir [ 5 ] * Nick Wallace - Science-Fiction:Doctor Who [ 3 ] * Nick Walters - Doctor Who: Dominion [ 3 ] * Nick Walters - Doctor Who: The Fall of Yquatine [ 3 ] * Nick Walters - Doctor Who: Reckless Engineering [ 4 ] * Nick Walters - Doctor Who: Superior Beings [ 3 ] * Nigel Robinson - Doctor Who: Timewyrm: Apocalypse [ 3 ] * Nigel Robinson - Doctor Who: Birthright [ 3 ] * Nigel Robinson - Doctor Who: The Sensorites [ 4 ] * Nigel Robinson - Doctor Who: The Underwater Menace [ 3 ] * Nigel Robinson - Doctor Who: The Edge of Destruction [ 4 ] * Nigel Robinson, Dennis Spooner - Doctor Who: The Time Meddler [ 3 ] * Noah Boyd - Agent X [ 5 ] * Novella Carpenter - Farm City: The Education of an Urban Farmer [ 5 ] * Oliver Bowden - Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood [ 5 ] * Owen Wister - The Virginian [ 5 ] * P. Morgenstern's Classic Tale of True Love and High Adventure [ 4 ] * William Horwood - Duncton Tales [ 4 ] * William R. Forstchen - Fateful Lightning [ 4 ] * William R. Daly - Doctor Who: The Ultimate Evil [ 4 ] * Walter Greatshell - Xombies: Apocalypse Blues [ 4 ] * Walter Greatshell - Xombies: Apocalypticon [ 4 ] * Walter Knight - Feeling Lucky [ 4 ] * Walter Knight - Reenlistment [ 4 ] * Walter Knight - Silent Invasion [ 4 ] * Walter Knight - Demilitarized Zone [ 4 ] * Walter Knight - Insurgency [ 4 ] * Wayne Simmons - Flu [ 4 ] * Wen Spencer - Tinker [ 4 ] * Wen Spencer - Wolf Who Rules [ 4 ] * Wen Spencer - A Brother's Price [ 3 ] * Wen Spencer - Endless Blue [ 4 ] * Whitley Strieber - The Hunger [ 5 ] * Whitley Strieber - The Last Vampire [ 5 ] * Whitley Strieber - 2012: The War for Souls [ 4 ] * Whitley Strieber - Lilith's Dream: A Tale of the Vampire Life [ 4 ] * Whitley Strieber - Majestic [ 4 ] * Whitley Strieber - The Night Church [ 4 ] * Whitley Strieber - The Omega Point [ 5 ] * Whitley Strieber - The Wild [ 4 ] * Whitley Strieber - The Wolfen [ 4 ] * Wilbert Rideau - In the Place of Justice: A Story of Punishment and Deliverance [ 5 ] * Wilbur Smith - Warlock [ 3 ] * Will Osborne - 13 Ghosts: Strange but True Stories [ 3 ] * William Emms - Doctor Who: Galaxy Four [ 4 ] * William Golding - Lord of the Flies [ 5 ] * William Goldman - The Princess Bride: S. Johnstone - The Devil's Cat [ 4 ] * William W. Johnstone - The Devil's Kiss [ 4 ] * William W. Marks - Breeder Reaction [ 4 ] * Winston K. Forstchen - Never Sound Retreat [ 4 ] * William Sleator - House of Stairs [ 3 ] * William Tenn - Here Comes Civilization: The Complete Science Fiction of William Tenn Volume II [ 4 ] * William W. Stuart - The Real Hard Sell [ 4 ] * Winston K. Marks - Unbegotten Child [ 4 ] * Yasmine Galenorn - Night Myst [ 5 ] * Yasmine Galenorn - Witchling [ 5 ] * Yasmine Galenorn - Changeling [ 5 ] * Yasmine Galenorn - Darkling [ 5 ] * Yasmine Galenorn - Dragon Wytch [ 5 ] * Yasmine Galenorn - Night Huntress [ 5 ] * Yasmine Galenorn - Demon Mistress [ 5 ] * Yasmine Galenorn - Bone Magic [ 5 ] * Yasmine Galenorn - Harvest Hunting [ 5 ] * Yasmine Galenorn - Blood Wyne [ 5 ] * Yvonne Navarro - Highborn [ 5 ] * Z.A. Forward - Doctor Who: Drift [ 3 ] * Simon A. Recht, Bowie Ibarra - Plague of the Dead: The Morningstar Saga [ 4 ] * Zoe Archer, Archer - Warrior [ 5 ] * Zoe Archer, Archer - Scoundrel [ 5 ] * Zoe Archer, Archer - Rebel [ 5 ] * Zoe Archer, Archer - Stranger [ 5 ] * Zohra Greenhalgh - Contrarywise [ 4 ] * Zoran _ivkovi€à, Mary Popovi€à - The Fourth Circle [ 3 ] * Zorha Greenhalgh - Trickster's Touch [ 3 ] Marks - The Water Eater [ 4 ] * Winston K.

Latest revision as of 13:47, 13 October 2022

retail binary options and futures, a market which is adjacent to IG’s core retail trading skill set." and see us further diversify into the exciting high growth market of U.S. "This acquisition will materially expand and scale our business in the U.S. "I am thrilled to welcome Tastytrade to the IG Group family," IG CEO June Felix said in a news release.

Tastytrade, which was founded a decade ago, now has more than 105,000 active trading accounts and some 900,000 unique registrations, while its YouTube channel boasts 206,000 subscribers and 8 hours of live programming a day.

Bertram Chandler - The Inheritors [ 4 ] * A. Bertram Chandler - To Prime the Pump [ 4 ] * A. Bertram Chandler, Bertram A. Bertram Chandler - The Broken Cycle [ 4 ] * A. Chandler - The Big Black Mark [ 4 ] * Aaron Dembski-Bowden - Hellsreach [ 5 ] * Abbott Joseph Liebling - The Telephone Booth Indian [ 5 ] * Adam Foulds - The Quickening Maze [ 5 ] * Adam Jacot De Boinod - I Never Knew There Was a Word for It [ 5 ] * Addison Wiggin, Kate Incontrera, Dorianne Perrucci - I.O.U.S.A [ 5 ] * Alan Dean Foster - Exceptions to Reality: Stories [ 5 ] * Alan Dean Foster - Terminator Salvation: The Official Movie Novelization [ 5 ] * Alan Watts - The Book: On the Taboo Against Knowing Who You Are [ 3 ] * Alex Scarrow - Day of the Predator [ 5 ] * Alice Hoffman - The Red Garden [ 5 ] * Alistair, MacLean - Goodbye California [ 5 ] * Allan Folsom - Day of Confession [ 5 ] * Allan Folsom - The Hadrian Memorandum [ 4 ] * Alton Brown - I'm Just Here for the Food: Version 2.0 [ 5 ] * Alyssa B. Bertram Chandler - The Road to the Rim [ 4 ] * A. Bertram Chandler - Spartan Planet [ 4 ] * A. Clarke - The Foundations of Paradise [ 5 ] * Barbara Clegg - Doctor Who: Enlightenment [ 3 ] * Barbara Park, Denise Brunkus - Junie B. Jones Loves Handsome Warren [ 5 ] * Barbara Park, Denise Brunkus - Junie B. Bertram Chandler - The Hard Way Up [ 4 ] * A. Jones Is a Party Animal [ 5 ] * Barry Letts - The Ghosts of N-Space [ 3 ] * Barry Letts - Science-Fiction:Doctor Who [ 3 ] * Barry Letts - Doctor Who: Daemons [ 4 ] * Barry Letts - Doctor Who: The Paradise of Death [ 3 ] * BBC Worldwide - Science-Fiction:Doctor Who [ 3 ] * Ben Aaronovitch - Doctor Who: Transit [ 4 ] * Ben Aaronovitch - Doctor Who: The Also People [ 3 ] * Ben Aaronovitch - Doctor Who: Remembrance of the Daleks [ 3 ] * Ben Aaronovitch - Rivers of London [ 5 ] * Ben Aaronovitch, Kate Orman - Doctor Who: So Vile a Sin [ 3 ] * Bill Buford - Heat: An Amateur's Adventures as Kitchen Slave, Line Cook, Pasta-Maker, and Apprentice to a Dante-Quoting Butcher in Tuscany [ 5 ] * Bill Strutton - Doctor Who: The Zarbi [ 3 ] * Brad Taylor - One Rough Man [ 5 ] * Brad Warner - Hardcore Zen: Punk Rock, Monster Movies & the Truth About Reality [ 5 ] * Brian Hayles - Doctor Who: The Ice Warriors [ 3 ] * Brian Hayles, Alan Willow - Doctor Who: Curse of Peladon [ 3 ] * Brian McGrory - Strangled [ 5 ] * C. Clarke - Dolphin Island [ 4 ] * Arthur C. Sheinmel - The Beautiful Between [ 5 ] * Amelia Atwater-Rhodes - All Just Glass [ 5 ] * Anais Nin - Delta of Venus [ 5 ] * Anders, Charlie Jane - The Fermi Paradox Is Our Business Model [ 4 ] * Anderson Cooper - Dispatches From the Edge: A Memoir of War, Disasters, and Survival [ 5 ] * AndrÌ© Kukla - Mental Traps: The Overthinker's Guide to a Happier Life [ 5 ] * Andrea Portes - Hick [ 5 ] * Andrew Cartmel - Doctor Who: Cat's Cradle: Warhead [ 4 ] * Andrew Cartmel - Doctor Who: Warlock [ 4 ] * Andrew Cartmel - Doctor Who: Warchild [ 3 ] * Andrew Cartmel - Science-Fiction:Doctor Who [ 3 ] * Andrew Cartmel - Doctor Who: Foreign Devils [ 3 ] * Andrew Hunt, Marc Platt - Doctor Who: Cats Cradle: Witch Mark [ 3 ] * Andrew Smith - Doctor Who: Full Circle [ 4 ] * Andy Lane - The Empire of Glass [ 3 ] * Andy Lane - Doctor Who: All-Consuming Fire [ 3 ] * Andy Lane - Doctor Who: Original Sin [ 3 ] * Andy Lane, binary options Justin Richards - Doctor Who: The Banquo Legacy [ 3 ] * Anita Shreve - A Wedding in December: A Novel [ 5 ] * Anita Shreve - The Last Time They Met: A Novel [ 5 ] * Ann VanderMeer, Jeff Vandermeer - The New Weird [ 5 ] * Anne Argula - Homicide My Own [ 5 ] * Annie Groves - The Grafton Girls [ 5 ] * Anthony Horowitz - Ark Angel [ 5 ] * Arthur C. Bidmead - Doctor Who: Castrovalva [ 3 ] * Christopher H. Bidmead - Doctor Who: Logopolis [ 3 ] * Christopher H. Carson, Wes Denham - Arrest-Proof Yourself: An Ex-Cop Reveals How Easy It Is for Anyone to Get Arrested, How Even a Single Arrest Could Ruin Your Life, and What to Do if the Police Get in Your Face [ 5 ] * Dale Smith - Science-Fiction:Doctor Who [ 3 ] * Dan Abnett - First and Only [ 5 ] * Dan Brown - The Lost Symbol [ 5 ] * Dan Simmons - Endymion [ 5 ] * Dan Simmons - The Rise of Endymion [ 5 ] * Daniel Blythe - Doctor Who: The Dimension Riders [ 4 ] * Daniel Blythe - Doctor Who: Infinite Requiem [ 3 ] * Daniel O'Mahony - The Man in the Velvet Mask [ 3 ] * Daniel O'Mahony - Doctor Who: Falls the Shadow [ 4 ] * Daniel O'Mahony - Doctor Who: The Cabinet of Light [ 3 ] * Daniel Wood - Rosie Little's Cautionary Tales for Girls [ 5 ] * Dante Alighieri - Divine Comedy, The: Volume 1: Inferno [ 5 ] * Dashiell Hammett - Red Harvest [ 5 ] * Dave Stone - Doctor Who: Slow Empire [ 4 ] * Dave Stone - Burning Heart [ 3 ] * Dave Stone - Doctor Who: Sky Pirates! McIntee - Doctor Who: Autumn Mist [ 3 ] * David A. McIntee - Lords of the Storm [ 3 ] * David A. Bidmead - Doctor Who: Frontios [ 3 ] * Chuck Logan - Homefront [ 5 ] * Colin Brake - Doctor Who: Escape Velocity [ 4 ] * Colin Brake - Doctor Who: The Price of Paradise [ 1 ] * Colin Brake - Science-Fiction:Doctor Who [ 3 ] * Cormac McCarthy - Cities of the Plain [ 4 ] * Cormac McCarthy - Outer Dark [ 5 ] * Cormac McCarthy - The Sunset Limited: A Novel in Dramatic Form [ 5 ] * Craig Hinton - The Crystal Brucephalus [ 3 ] * Craig Hinton - Millennial Rites [ 3 ] * Craig Hinton - Doctor Who: Godengine [ 3 ] * Craig Hinton - Doctor Who: The Quantum Archangel [ 3 ] * Craig Hinton - Science-Fiction:Doctor Who [ 3 ] * Dale C. Lewis - The voyage of the Dawn Treader [ 5 ] * Carlo Emilio Gadda, Italo Calvino, William Weaver - That Awful Mess on the via Merulana [ 4 ] * Cate Noble - Deadly Games [ 5 ] * Charles Baxter - Gryphon: New and Selected Stories [ 5 ] * Charles Portis - True Grit [ 4 ] * Cherie Priest - Bloodshot [ 5 ] * Cherie Priest - Tanglefoot: A Story of the Clockwork Century [ 4 ] * China MiÌ©ville - The City & the City [ 5 ] * Chris Boucher - Doctor Who: Last Man Running [ 3 ] * Chris Boucher - Doctor Who: Corpse Marker [ 3 ] * Chris Boucher - Doctor Who: Psi-Ence Fiction [ 3 ] * Chris Boucher - Science-Fiction:Doctor Who [ 3 ] * Chris Jericho - A Lion's Tale: Around the World in Spandex [ 5 ] * Christopher Bulis - Doctor Who: Vanderdeken's Children [ 3 ] * Christopher Bulis - State of Change [ 3 ] * Christopher Bulis - The Eye of the Giant [ 3 ] * Christopher Bulis - Twilight of the Gods [ 3 ] * Christopher Bulis - A Device of Death [ 3 ] * Christopher Bulis - Doctor Who: Shadowmind [ 4 ] * Christopher Bulis - Doctor Who: Ultimate Treasure [ 3 ] * Christopher Bulis - Doctor Who: City at World's End [ 3 ] * Christopher Bulis - Doctor Who: Imperial Moon [ 3 ] * Christopher Bulis - Doctor Who: Palace of the Red Sun [ 3 ] * Christopher H. McIntee - The Shadow of Weng-Chiang [ 3 ] * David A. Jones Is Not a Crook [ 5 ] * Barbara Park, Denise Brunkus - Junie B. McIntee - Doctor Who: First Frontier [ 3 ] * David A. McIntee - Doctor Who: White Darkness [ 4 ] * David A. McIntee - Doctor Who: The Face of the Enemy [ 3 ] * David A. McIntee - Doctor Who: The Wages of Sin [ 3 ] * David A. McIntee - Doctor Who: Mission Impractical [ 3 ] * David A. [ 3 ] * Dave Stone - Doctor Who: Death and Diplomacy [ 4 ] * Dave Stone - Science-Fiction:Doctor Who [ 1 ] * Dave Stone - Doctor Who: Heart of Tardis [ 3 ] * Dave Stone - Doctor Who: Citadel of Dreams [ 3 ] * David A. McIntee - Doctor Who: Sanctuary [ 3 ] * David A. McIntee - The Dark Path [ 3 ] * David A. Scott Fitzgerald - This Side of Paradise [ 5 ] * Felix Gilman - Lightbringers and Rainmakers [ 4 ] * Franz Kafka, Willa Muir, Edwin Muir, Emlen Etting - Amerika [ 5 ] * Frederick Douglass, Brent Hayes Edwards - My Bondage and My Freedom [ 5 ] * G. McIntee - Doctor Who: Bullet Time [ 3 ] * David A. Ford - Fury [ 5 ] * G. McIntee - Science-Fiction:Doctor Who [ 3 ] * David Banks - Doctor Who: Iceberg [ 4 ] * David Bishop - Doctor Who: The Domino Effect [ 4 ] * David Bishop - Doctor Who: Amorality Tale [ 3 ] * David Fisher - Doctor Who: Creature from the Pit [ 4 ] * David Fisher - Doctor Who: The Leisure Hive [ 4 ] * David Foster Wallace - Infinite Jest [ 5 ] * David Lebovitz - The Sweet Life in Paris: Delicious Adventures in the World's Most Glorious - and Perplexing - City [ 5 ] * David Pietrusza - Rothstein: The Life, Times, and Murder of the Criminal Genius Who Fixed the 1919 World Series [ 5 ] * David Rakoff - Don't Get Too Comfortable [ 5 ] * David Shapard, Jane Austen - The Annotated Pride and Prejudice [ 5 ] * David Stone - Fiction:Religous [ 5 ] * David Trueba, Mara Faye Lethem - Learning to Lose [ 5 ] * David Vann - Caribou Island: A Novel [ 5 ] * David Vann - Sukkwan Island: A Novella From Legend of a Suicide [ 5 ] * David Wayne Brown - Beat Your Ticket: Go to Court & Win [ 5 ] * David Whitaker - Doctor Who: Crusaders [ 4 ] * David Whitaker - Doctor Who: Daleks [ 3 ] * Deborah Harkness - A Discovery of Witches [ 5 ] * Dennis Lehane - Gone, Baby, Gone [ 5 ] * Di Morrissey - Tears of the Moon [ 5 ] * Di Morrissey - The Plantation [ 5 ] * Diana Gabaldon - The Fiery Cross [ 5 ] * Diane Chamberlain - The Courage Tree [ 5 ] * Dick Morris, Eileen McGann - Catastrophe [ 5 ] * Don Bassingthwaite - The Doom of Kings: Legacy of Dhakaan [ 5 ] * Don Bassingthwaite - Word of Traitors: Legacy of Dhakaan [ 5 ] * Don Bassingthwaite - The Tyranny of Ghosts: Legacy of Dhakaan [ 5 ] * Donald Cotton - Doctor Who: The Myth Makers [ 3 ] * Donald Cotton - Doctor Who: The Gunfighters [ 3 ] * Donald Cotton - Doctor Who: The Romans [ 3 ] * Donita K. Williams, Sir William Golding - Sometime, Never [ 3 ] * Gareth Roberts - The Romance of Crime [ 3 ] * Gareth Roberts - The English Way of Death [ 3 ] * Gareth Roberts - The Plotters [ 3 ] * Gareth Roberts - The Well-Mannered War [ 3 ] * Gareth Roberts - Doctor Who: The Highest Science [ 4 ] * Gareth Roberts - Doctor Who: Tragedy Day [ 3 ] * Gareth Roberts - Doctor Who: Zamper [ 3 ] * Gareth Roberts - Doctor Who: Only Human [ 4 ] * Gary Russell - Doctor Who: Placebo Effect [ 3 ] * Gary Russell - Invasion of the Cat-People [ 3 ] * Gary Russell - The Scales of Injustice [ 3 ] * Gary Russell - Doctor Who: Legacy [ 3 ] * Gary Russell - Doctor Who: Business Unusual [ 3 ] * Gary Russell - Doctor Who: Divided Loyalties [ 3 ] * Gary Russell - Doctor Who: Instrument of Darkness [ 3 ] * Gary Russell - Science-Fiction:Doctor Who [ 3 ] * George Carlin - Napalm and Silly Putty [ 5 ] * George Carlin - When Will Jesus Bring the Pork Chops? Pelecanos - Right as Rain: A Novel [ 5 ] * George Pelecanos - The Way Home [ 5 ] * George R.R. Martin - Wild Cards [ 5 ] * George R.R. Paul - Dragonquest [ 5 ] * Donita K. Martin - Wild Cards III: Jokers Wild [ 5 ] * George Tenet, Bill Harlow - At the Center of the Storm: My Years at the CIA [ 5 ] * Gerry Davis - Doctor Who: The Cybermen [ 3 ] * Gerry Davis - Doctor Who: Tenth Planet [ 3 ] * Gerry Davis - Doctor Who: Tomb of the Cybermen [ 3 ] * Gerry Davis - Doctor Who: The Highlanders [ 3 ] * Gerry Davis, Alison Bingeman - Doctor Who: The Celestial Toymaker [ 4 ] * Glen McCoy - Doctor Who: Timelash [ 3 ] * Glyn Jones - Doctor Who: The Space Museum [ 4 ] * Gould, Judith - Dazzle The Complete Unabridged Trilogy [ 5 ] * Graeme Curry - Doctor Who: Happiness Patrol [ 3 ] * Graham Williams - Doctor Who: The Nightmare Fair [ 4 ] * Gregory Funaro - The Impaler [ 5 ] * Hank Moody, Jonathan Grotenstein - God Hates Us All [ 5 ] * Harold Schechter - Killer Colt: Murder, Disgrace, and the Making of an American Legend [ 5 ] * Heather Terrell - Fallen Angel [ 5 ] * Helen Ellis - What Curiosity Kills [ 5 ] * Henry James - The Bostonians [ 5 ] * Honore De Balzac - The Unknown Masterpiece [ 5 ] * Iain McLaughlin, John Ostrander - Doctor Who: Blood and Hope [ 3 ] * Ian Briggs - Doctor Who: Dragonfire [ 3 ] * Ian Briggs - Doctor Who: The Curse of Fenric [ 3 ] * Ian Marter - Doctor Who: Ark in Space [ 4 ] * Ian Marter - Doctor Who: The Enemy of the World [ 3 ] * Ian Marter - Doctor Who: Sontaran Experiment [ 3 ] * Ian Marter - Doctor Who: Earthshock [ 3 ] * Ian Marter - Doctor Who: The Dominators [ 3 ] * Ian Marter - Doctor Who: The Invasion [ 3 ] * Ian Marter - Doctor Who: The Reign of Terror [ 4 ] * Ian Marter - Doctor Who: The Rescue [ 3 ] * Ian Marter, British Broadcasting Corporation - Doctor Who: Ribos Operation [ 4 ] * Ian Stuart Black - Doctor Who: The Savages [ 4 ] * Ian Stuart Black - Doctor Who: MacRa Terror [ 4 ] * Ian Stuart Black - Doctor Who: War Machine [ 4 ] * Ilona Bray, Alayna Schroeder, Marcia Stewart - Nolo's Essential Guide to Buying Your First Home [ 5 ] * Isaac Asimov, Richard Hantula - Science Fiction: Vision of Tomorrow [ 5 ] * Italo Calvino, Martin McLaughlin - Hermit in Paris: Autobiographical Writings [ 5 ] * Iyanla Vanzant - Yesterday, I Cried: Celebrating the Lessons of Living and Loving [ 5 ] * J. Farrell - The Empire Trilogy [ 5 ] * Jac Rayner - Science-Fiction:Doctor Who [ 3 ] * Jack Kerouac - Book of Sketches, 1952-57 [ 5 ] * Jack McKinney - Genesis ; Battle Cry ; Homecoming [ 5 ] * Jack N. Ip, Mohamed El-Erian - The Little Book of Economics: How the Economy Works in the Real World [ 5 ] * G. Paul - DragonKnight [ 5 ] * Dori Jones Yang - Daughter of Xanadu [ 5 ] * Douglas Perednia - Stop the Bleeding: How to Save Trillions by Overhauling America's Healthcare Machine [ 5 ] * Earlene Fowler - Seven Sisters [ 5 ] * Edward Rutherfurd - London [ 5 ] * Edward Rutherfurd - Russka: The Novel of Russia [ 5 ] * Edwidge Danticat - Haiti Noir [ 5 ] * Elizabeth Bear; Sarah Monette - Boojum [ 3 ] * Elizabeth Strout - Olive Kitteridge [ 4 ] * Elle Jasper - Afterlight [ 5 ] * Emily Doskow - Nolo's Essential Guide to Divorce [ 5 ] * Emma Donoghue - Slammerkin [ 5 ] * Eric Lamet - A Child Al Confino: The True Story of a Jewish Boy and His Mother in Mussolini's Italy [ 5 ] * Eric Pringle - Doctor Who: The Awakening [ 3 ] * Eric Saward - Doctor Who: The Visitation [ 3 ] * Eric Saward - Doctor Who: The Twin Dilemma [ 3 ] * Eric Saward - Doctor Who: Attack of the Cybermen [ 3 ] * Eric Schlosser - Fast Food Nation [ 5 ] * Ernest Hemingway - The Complete Short Stories of Ernest Hemingway [ 5 ] * F. Rakove - Founding America: Documents From the Revolution to the Bill of Rights [ 5 ] * Jacqueline Carey - Naamah's Curse [ 5 ] * Jacqueline Rayner - Doctor Who: Earthworld [ 3 ] * Jacqueline Rayner - Doctor Who: Winner Takes All [ 4 ] * Jacqueline Rayner - Doctor Who: The Stone Rose [ 4 ] * Jacqueline Rayner - Doctor Who: The Last Dodo [ 3 ] * James Clavell - Shgun: A Novel of Japan [ 5 ] * James Fenimore Cooper - The Deerslayer [ 5 ] * James Lovegrove - The Age of Odin [ 5 ] * James Patterson - Angel: A Maximum Ride Novel [ 4 ] * James Patterson, Andrew Gross - 2nd Chance [ 4 ] * James Sullivan - Seven Dirty Words: The Life and Crimes of George Carlin [ 5 ] * Jane Smiley - The Greenlanders [ 5 ] * Jason Robillard, Dirk Wierenga (Editor) - The Barefoot Running Book [ 5 ] * Jay Conrad Levinson, David E. Corsi - The Shroud Codex [ 5 ] * Jerry Levitan - I Met the Walrus: How One Day With John Lennon Changed My Life Forever [ 5 ] * Jesse Petersen - Flip This Zombie [ 5 ] * Jim Mortimore - Doctor Who: Beltempest [ 3 ] * Jim Mortimore - Doctor Who: Blood Heat [ 4 ] * Jim Mortimore - Doctor Who: Parasite [ 3 ] * Jim Mortimore - Doctor Who: Eternity Weeps [ 3 ] * Jim Mortimore - Doctor Who: Eye of Heaven [ 3 ] * Jim Mortimore, Andy Lane - Doctor Who: Lucifer Rising [ 4 ] * John Berendt - Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil: A Savannah Story [ 5 ] * John Burdett - Bangkok Haunts [ 5 ] * John Grisham - The Chamber [ 5 ] * John Grisham - The Firm [ 5 ] * John Jackson Miller - Star Wars: Lost Tribe of the Sith: Precipice [ 5 ] * John Jackson Miller - Star Wars: Lost Tribe of the Sith: Skyborn [ 5 ] * John Jackson Miller - Star Wars: Lost Tribe of the Sith: Paragon [ 5 ] * John Jackson Miller - Star Wars: Lost Tribe of the Sith: Savor [ 5 ] * John Jackson Miller - Star Wars: Lost Tribe of the Sith: Purgatory [ 5 ] * John Jackson Miller - Star Wars: Knight Errant [ 5 ] * John Katzenbach - The Wrong Man [ 5 ] * John Lucarotti - Doctor Who: The Aztecs [ 4 ] * John Lucarotti - Doctor Who: Marco Polo [ 4 ] * John Lucarotti - Doctor Who: The Massacre [ 3 ] * John Lydecker - Doctor Who: Warriors' Gate [ 3 ] * John Lydecker - Doctor Who: Terminus [ 3 ] * John Peel - Doctor Who: War of the Daleks [ 3 ] * John Peel - Doctor Who: Legacy of the Daleks [ 3 ] * John Peel - Evolution [ 3 ] * John Peel - Doctor Who: Timewyrm: Genesis [ 3 ] * John Peel - Doctor Who: The Chase [ 3 ] * John Peel - Doctor Who: Mission to the Unknown [ 3 ] * John Peel - Doctor Who: The Mutation of Time [ 3 ] * John Peel - Doctor Who: The Power of the Daleks [ 3 ] * John Peel, David Whitaker - Doctor Who: The Evil of the Daleks [ 3 ] * John Saul - Perfect Nightmare [ 5 ] * John Updike - Rich in Russia [ 5 ] * John Whitman - Veto Power [ 4 ] * John Whitman - Cat's Claw [ 4 ] * John Whitman - Chaos Theory [ 4 ] * John, Benson Milius - Homefront [ 5 ] * Jon De Burgh Miller - Doctor Who: Dying in the Sun [ 3 ] * Jonathan Blum, Kate Orman - Doctor Who: Vampire Science [ 3 ] * Jonathan Blum, Kate Orman - Doctor Who: Seeing I [ 3 ] * Jonathan Blum, Kate Orman - Doctor Who: Unnatural History [ 3 ] * Jonathan Blum, Kate Orman - Doctor Who: The Year of Intelligent Tigers [ 3 ] * Jonathan Blum, Kate Orman - Doctor Who: Fallen Gods [ 3 ] * Jonathan Morris - Doctor Who: Anachrophobia [ 3 ] * Jonathan Morris - Doctor Who: The Tomorrow Windows [ 3 ] * Jonathan Morris - Doctor Who: Festival of Death [ 3 ] * Jonathan Strahan - Engineering Infinity [ 5 ] * Joss Ware - Night Betrayed [ 5 ] * Julian Hawthorne - Ken's Mystery [ 5 ] * Justin Richards - Doctor Who: Option Lock [ 3 ] * Justin Richards - Doctor Who: Demontage [ 3 ] * Justin Richards - Doctor Who: The Burning [ 4 ] * Justin Richards - Doctor Who: Time Zero [ 4 ] * Justin Richards - Doctor Who: Sometime Never [ 3 ] * Justin Richards - System Shock [ 3 ] * Justin Richards - The Sands of Time [ 3 ] * Justin Richards - Doctor Who: Theatre of War [ 4 ] * Justin Richards - Doctor Who: Dragons' Wrath [ 3 ] * Justin Richards - Doctor Who: The Clockwise Man [ 3 ] * Justin Richards - Doctor Who: The Deviant Strain [ 4 ] * Justin Richards - Doctor Who: The Resurrection Casket [ 3 ] * Justin Richards - Science-Fiction:Doctor Who [ 2 ] * Justin Richards - Doctor Who: Dreams of Empire [ 3 ] * Justin Richards - Doctor Who: Millennium Shock [ 3 ] * Justin Richards - Doctor Who: Grave Matter [ 3 ] * Justin Richards, Stephen Cole - Doctor Who: The Shadow in the Glass [ 3 ] * Justina Chen Headley - North of Beautiful [ 5 ] * Justine Larbalestier - How to Ditch Your Fairy [ 5 ] * Karen Russell - St Lucy's Home for Girls Raised by Wolves [ 5 ] * Kate Chopin, Rachel Adams - The Awakening and Selected Short Fiction [ 5 ] * Kate Orman - Doctor Who: Left-Handed Hummingbird [ 4 ] * Kate Orman - Doctor Who: Set Piece [ 3 ] * Kate Orman - Doctor Who: Sleepy [ 3 ] * Kate Orman - Doctor Who: Return of the Living Dad [ 3 ] * Kate Orman - Doctor Who: The Room With No Doors [ 3 ] * Kate Orman - Science-Fiction:Doctor Who [ 3 ] * Keith Baker - City of Towers: The Dreaming Dark [ 5 ] * Keith Baker - The Shattered Land: The Dreaming Dark [ 5 ] * Keith Baker - The Gates of Night: The Dreaming Dark [ 5 ] * Keith R. Perry - Guerrilla Marking for Job Hunters 2.0 [ 5 ] * Jay Dobyns, Nils Johnson-Shelton - No Angel: My Harrowing Undercover Journey to the Inner Circle of the Hells Angels [ 5 ] * Jeff Jarvis - What Would Google Do? Pelecanos - Hard Revolution: A Novel [ 5 ] * George P. Lockwood - Locust: The Devastating Rise and Mysterious Disappearance of the Insect That Shaped the American Frontier [ 5 ] * Jeffrey G. DeCandido - Apocalypse [ 4 ] * Keith R. [ 3 ] * Keith Topping - Doctor Who: Ghost Ship [ 3 ] * Keith Topping, Martin Day - Science-Fiction:Doctor Who [ 3 ] * Keith Topping, Martin Day - Doctor Who: The Hollow Men [ 3 ] * Kevin Clarke - Doctor Who: Silver Nemesis [ 3 ] * Kim Edwards - The Lake of Dreams [ 5 ] * Kim Falconer - The Spell of Rosette [ 5 ] * Kim Falconer - Arrows of Time [ 5 ] * Kim Falconer - Strange Attractors [ 5 ] * Kim Newman, Dave Stone - Doctor Who: Time and Relative [ 3 ] * Kristin Naca - Bird Eating Bird: Poems [ 5 ] * Kurt Vonnegut - While Mortals Sleep: Unpublished Short Fiction [ 5 ] * Lance Parkin - Doctor Who: Father Time [ 4 ] * Lance Parkin - Doctor Who: Trading Futures [ 4 ] * Lance Parkin - Doctor Who: The Gallifrey Chronicles [ 3 ] * Lance Parkin - Cold Fusion [ 3 ] * Lance Parkin - Doctor Who: Just War [ 3 ] * Lance Parkin - Doctor Who: The Dying Days [ 3 ] * Lance Parkin - Doctor Who: The Infinity Doctors [ 3 ] * Larry Niven - The Draco Tavern [ 5 ] * Lauren Oliver - Delirium [ 5 ] * Lawrence A. Kane, Kris Wilder - The Little Black Book of Violence: What Every Young Man Needs to Know About Fighting [ 5 ] * Lawrence Miles - Doctor Who: Alien Bodies [ 3 ] * Lawrence Miles - Doctor Who: Interference: Book One [ 3 ] * Lawrence Miles - Doctor Who: Interference: Book Two [ 3 ] * Lawrence Miles - Doctor Who: The Adventures of Henrietta Street [ 4 ] * Lawrence Miles - Doctor Who: Christmas on a Rational Planet [ 3 ] * Lenny Bartulin - Death by the Book [ 5 ] * Lloyd Rose - Doctor Who: The City of the Dead [ 3 ] * Lloyd Rose - Doctor Who: Camera Obscura [ 4 ] * Lloyd Rose - Science-Fiction:Doctor Who [ 3 ] * Louise Cooper - Doctor Who: Rip Tide [ 3 ] * Luanne Rice - Secrets of Paris: A Novel [ 5 ] * Lynn Flewelling - The White Road [ 5 ] * Lynn Flewelling - Shadows Return [ 5 ] * Lynn N. DeCandido - Genesis [ 3 ] * Keith R. Beaton - Sick of Shadows [ 5 ] * Mags L. Beaton - Snobbery With Violence [ 5 ] * M. DeCandido - Resident Evil: Extinction [ 4 ] * Keith Topping - Doctor Who: The King of Terror [ 3 ] * Keith Topping - Doctor Who: Byzantium! Halliday - Doctor Who: History 101 [ 4 ] * Malcolm Hulke - Doctor Who: Cave Monsters [ 3 ] * Malcolm Hulke - Doctor Who: Dinosaur Invasion [ 4 ] * Malcolm Hulke - Doctor Who: The Doomsday Weapon [ 4 ] * Malcolm Hulke - Doctor Who: The Green Death [ 4 ] * Malcolm Hulke - Doctor Who: The Sea-Devils [ 4 ] * Malcolm Hulke - Doctor Who: Space War [ 4 ] * Malcolm Hulke - Doctor Who: War Games [ 3 ] * Malcolm Kohll - Doctor Who: Delta and the Bannermen [ 3 ] * Manjit Kumar - Quantum: Einstein, Bohr and the Great Debate About the Nature of Reality [ 4 ] * Marc Cerasini - Operation Hell Gate [ 4 ] * Marc Cerasini - Vanishing Point [ 4 ] * Marc Cerasini - Collateral Damage [ 4 ] * Marc Platt - Downtime [ 3 ] * Marc Platt - Doctor Who: Cat's Cradle: Times Crucible [ 4 ] * Marc Platt - Doctor Who: Lungbarrow [ 3 ] * Marc Platt - Doctor Who: Ghost Light [ 3 ] * Marc Platt - Doctor Who: Battlefield [ 3 ] * Marcus Chown - Quantum Theory Cannot Hurt You: A Guide to the Universe [ 5 ] * Margaret Weis, Tracy Hickman - Forging the Darksword [ 5 ] * Margaret Weis, Tracy Hickman - Doom of the Darksword [ 5 ] * Margaret Weis, Tracy Hickman - Triumph of the Darksword [ 5 ] * Margaret Weis, Tracy Hickman - Legacy of the Darksword [ 4 ] * Margaret Weis, Tracy Hickman - Dragons of the Autumn Twilight [ 5 ] * Margaret Weis, Tracy Hickman - Dragons of Winter Night [ 5 ] * Margaret Weis, Tracy Hickman - Dragons of Spring Dawning [ 5 ] * Margaret Weis, Tracy Hickman - Bones of the Dragon [ 5 ] * Margaret Weis, Tracy Hickman - Treasures of Fantasy [ 5 ] * Mark Chadbourn - Doctor Who: Wonderland [ 3 ] * Mark Clapham - Doctor Who: Hope [ 4 ] * Mark Gatiss - Doctor Who: Nightshade [ 3 ] * Mark Gatiss - Doctor Who: St. Allen - Instant Interviews: 101 Ways to Get the Best Job of Your Life [ 5 ] * Jeremy Clarkson - How Hard Can It Be? Anthony's Fire [ 4 ] * Mark Gatiss - Doctor Who: The Roundheads [ 3 ] * Mark Gatiss - Doctor Who: Last of the Gaderene [ 3 ] * Mark Hodder - The Strange Affair of Spring Heeled Jack [ 5 ] * Mark Logue, Peter Conradi - The King's Speech [ 5 ] * Mark Michalowski - Doctor Who: Halflife [ 3 ] * Mark Michalowski - Doctor Who: Wetworld [ 3 ] * Mark Michalowski - Doctor Who: Relative Dementias [ 3 ] * Mark Morris - Doctor Who: The Bodysnatchers [ 3 ] * Mark Morris - Doctor Who: Deep Blue [ 3 ] * Marlon Brando, Robert Lindsey - Brando: Songs My Mother Taught Me [ 5 ] * Martin Amis - Heavy Water: And Other Stories [ 5 ] * Martin Day - Doctor Who: The Sleep of Reason [ 3 ] * Martin Day - Menagerie [ 3 ] * Martin Day - Doctor Who: Wooden Heart [ 3 ] * Martin Day - Doctor Who: Bunker Soldiers [ 3 ] * Martin Dunford, Phil Lee, Karoline Thomas - The Rough Guide to Amsterdam [ 5 ] * Martin Gilbert - The Will of the People: Winston Churchill and Parliamentary Democracy [ 5 ] * Martin Gilbert - Winston Churchill's War Leadership [ 5 ] * Masanobu Fukuoka, Larry Korn, Wendell Berry, Frances Moore Lappe - The One-Straw Revolution: An Introduction to Natural Farming [ 5 ] * Matthew B. Austin - Candle in the Darkness [ 5 ] * M. Cast, Kristin Cast - Untamed [ 5 ] * P. Cast, Kristin Cast - Awakened [ 5 ] * P. Cast, Kristin Cast - Chosen [ 5 ] * P. Cast, Kristin Cast - Betrayed: A House of Night Novel [ 5 ] * P. Offit - Deadly Choices: How the Anti-Vaccine Movement Threatens Us All [ 5 ] * Paul Bergman, Sara J. Cast, Kristin Cast - Burned [ 5 ] * P. McAuley - Doctor Who: The Eye of the Tyger [ 3 ] * Paul Leonard - Doctor Who: Genocide [ 3 ] * Paul Leonard - Doctor Who: Revolution Man [ 3 ] * Paul Leonard - Doctor Who: The Turing Test [ 4 ] * Paul Leonard - Doctor Who: The Last Resort [ 3 ] * Paul Leonard - Venusian Lullaby [ 3 ] * Paul Leonard - Dancing the Code [ 3 ] * Paul Leonard - Speed of Flight [ 3 ] * Paul Leonard - Doctor Who: Toy Soldiers [ 3 ] * Paul Leonard, Paul Hinder - Doctor Who: Dreamstone Moon [ 3 ] * Paul Magrs - Doctor Who: The Scarlet Empress [ 3 ] * Paul Magrs - Doctor Who: Mad Dogs and Englishmen [ 4 ] * Paul Magrs - Doctor Who: Sick Building [ 3 ] * Paul Magrs - Doctor Who: Verdigris [ 3 ] * Paul Magrs, Jeremy Hoad - Doctor Who: The Blue Angel [ 3 ] * Paul Saint - Science-Fiction:Doctor Who [ 3 ] * Paul Slansky - The Clothes Have No Emperor: A Chronicle of the American '80s [ 5 ] * Pema Ch̦dr̦n - Taking the Leap: Freeing Ourselves From Old Habits and Fears [ 5 ] * Penny Rudolph - Lifeblood [ 5 ] * Penny Rudolph - Listen to the Mockingbird [ 5 ] * Penny Rudolph - Thicker Than Blood [ 5 ] * Perri O'Shaughnessy - Acts of Malice [ 5 ] * Perri O'Shaughnessy - Case of Lies [ 5 ] * Perri O'Shaughnessy - Writ of Execution [ 5 ] * Peter Anghelides - Doctor Who: Kursaal [ 3 ] * Peter Anghelides - Doctor Who: Frontier Worlds [ 3 ] * Peter Anghelides, Stephen Cole - Doctor Who: The Ancestor Cell [ 4 ] * Peter Carey - 30 Days in Sydney: A Wildly Distorted Account [ 5 ] * Peter Darvill-Evans - Doctor Who: Deceit [ 3 ] * Peter Darvill-Evans - Doctor Who: Asylum [ 3 ] * Peter Grimwade - Doctor Who: Time Flight [ 3 ] * Peter Grimwade - Doctor Who: Mawdryn Undead [ 3 ] * Peter Grimwade, British Broadcasting Corporation - Doctor Who: Planet of Fire [ 3 ] * Peter Ling - Doctor Who: The Mind Robber [ 3 ] * Philip Hinchcliffe - Doctor Who: The Masque of the Mandragora [ 4 ] * Philip Hinchcliffe - Doctor Who: The Seeds of Doom [ 4 ] * Philip Hinchcliffe, Terry Nation - Doctor Who: The Keys of Marinus [ 4 ] * Philip K. Dick - Martian Time Slip [ 5 ] * Philip Martin - Doctor Who: Vengeance on Varos [ 3 ] * Philip Martin - Doctor Who: Trial of a Time Lord : Mindwarp [ 3 ] * Philip Martin - Doctor Who: Mission to Magnus [ 4 ] * Philip Pullman - Once Upon a Time in the North [ 5 ] * Philip Roth - Portnoy's Complaint [ 5 ] * Piers Anthony - Split Infinity [ 3 ] * Piers Anthony - Blue Adept [ 3 ] * Piers Anthony - Juxtaposition [ 3 ] * Piers Anthony - Out of Phaze [ 3 ] * Piers Anthony - Robot Adept [ 3 ] * Piers Anthony - Unicorn Point [ 3 ] * Piers Anthony - Phaze Doubt [ 3 ] * Piers Anthony - Firefly [ 3 ] * Pip Baker, Jane Baker - Doctor Who: The Mark of the Rani [ 3 ] * Pip Baker, Jane Baker - Doctor Who: Terror of the Vervoids [ 3 ] * Pip Baker, Jane Baker - Doctor Who: Time and the Rani [ 3 ] * Pip Baker, Jane Baker - Doctor Who: The Trial of a Time Lord : The Ultimate Foe [ 3 ] * Priya Parmar - Exit the Actress: A Novel [ 5 ] * R. Berman-Barrett - The Criminal Law Handbook: Know Your Rights, Survive the System [ 5 ] * Paul Cornell - Doctor Who: The Shadows of Avalon [ 3 ] * Paul Cornell - Goth Opera [ 3 ] * Paul Cornell - Doctor Who: Timewyrm: Revelation [ 3 ] * Paul Cornell - Doctor Who: No Future [ 3 ] * Paul Cornell - Doctor Who: No Future [ 4 ] * Paul Cornell - Doctor Who: Human Nature [ 3 ] * Paul Cornell - Doctor Who: Happy Endings [ 3 ] * Paul Cornell - Doctor Who: Oh No It Isn't [ 3 ] * Paul Cornell - Science-Fiction:Doctor Who [ 3 ] * Paul Cornell, Publishing Carol - Doctor Who: Love or War [ 3 ] * Paul Cornell, Terrance Dicks - Doctor Who: Blood Harvest [ 3 ] * Paul Ebbs - Doctor Who: The Book of the Still [ 4 ] * Paul Erickson - Doctor Who: The Ark [ 3 ] * Paul J. 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Cast, Kristin Cast - Hunted: A House of Night Novel [ 5 ] * P. 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